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Oferta de mais de 450 jogos de Xbox com descontos de até 90%

A Central Xbox possui parceiros, que ajudam a manter nosso canal em funcionamento. Se você comprar algum produto ou serviço de algum link dentro do nosso site, nós podemos ganhar uma comissão.

A famosa oferta de jogos de XBOX da semana já está disponível, e dessa vez, temos mais de 450 jogos com até 90% de desconto. Todos os títulos podem ser encontrados na Microsoft Store, porém, nossos parceiros da Very Hard Games, parcelam todos os títulos em até 3x no cartão.

Então, não perca tempo e aproveite para comprar os jogos do momento ou sua assinatura Game Pass Ultimate com preços e condições especiais. Link

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown - Top Gun: Maverick Ultimate EditionR$ 81,9880%
AdoreR$ 32,4635%
Aery - Last Day of EarthR$ 22,1740%
AEW: Fight ForeverR$ 282,7135%
Alien: IsolationR$ 44,7575%
Alien: Isolation Season PassR$ 31,4965%
Aliens: Fireteam Elite - Endeavor Veteran PackR$ 18,7250%
Aliens: Fireteam Elite - Hardened Marine PackR$ 11,3050%
Aliens: Fireteam Elite - Wey-Yu ArmouryR$ 18,7250%
Aliens: Fireteam Elite: Frontier Freelancer PackR$ 18,2250%
Aliens: Fireteam Elite: UACM Frontline PackR$ 18,7250%
Amnesia: CollectionR$ 28,7375%
Anno 1800R$ 99,9750%
Anno 1800 - Deluxe EditionR$ 143,9740%
Aquarium LandR$ 9,2250%
Arcadian AtlasR$ 38,7620%
Assassin’s Creed Mirage + Assassin's Creed Valhalla BundleR$ 186,9860%
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: RussiaR$ 7,6060%
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Gold EditionR$ 55,8080%
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Ultimate EditionR$ 59,8080%
Assassin's Creed Origins - GOLD EDITIONR$ 59,8080%
Assassin's Creed SyndicateR$ 26,9870%
Assassin's Creed Valhalla - DELUXE EDITIONR$ 86,2375%
Asterigos: Curse of the StarsR$ 71,4745%
Asterigos: Curse of the Stars Deluxe EditionR$ 100,4740%
Atomic Heart Gold EditionR$ 249,9750%
Atomicrops: Reap What You BundleR$ 16,8675%
Atomicrops: Reap What You CrowR$ 16,6010%
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora™R$ 197,9740%
Bat BoyR$ 37,3435%
Batman: Arkham KnightR$ 36,0080%
Batman: Arkham Knight Season PassR$ 20,0080%
BatoraR$ 67,4750%
Battle BrothersR$ 55,1950%
Bendy and the Dark RevivalR$ 56,2250%
Bendy and the Ink MachineR$ 28,5050%
BioShock RemasteredR$ 33,4060%
Bit Orchard: Animal Valley Deluxe EditionR$ 10,7755%
Black SkylandsR$ 44,9740%
Black the FallR$ 14,5170%
Blood Bowl 3R$ 73,7250%
Borderlands 3 Next Level EditionR$ 43,8085%
Borderlands 3 Ultimate EditionR$ 124,8070%
Boreal TenebraeR$ 10,3860%
Brawl Chess - GambitR$ 7,3980%
BUNDLE Agatha Christie CollectionR$ 33,7370%
Bunny MemoryR$ 2,1980%
CarrionR$ 22,4870%
Cassette Beasts: Deluxe EditionR$ 73,0825%
Cassette Beasts: Pier of the UnknownR$ 23,3510%
Cave BadR$ 7,3860%
Child of Light Ultimate EditionR$ 17,6060%
Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers EditionR$ 52,4750%
Clumsy Rush + Brawl Chess Family BundleR$ 8,2485%
Contra: Operation Galuga + Early-purchase BonusR$ 179,5510%
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII ReunionR$ 149,7040%
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 209,9440%
Cruz BrothersR$ 12,5267%
Cult of the Lamb: Heretic EditionR$ 77,9740%
Cyanide & Happiness: Freakpocalypse (Episode 1)R$ 31,5260%
Dandara: Trials of Fear EditionR$ 5,8080%
Darksiders III – Blades & Whip EditionR$ 59,9980%
Dead AgeR$ 2,9090%
Dead by Daylight: Capítulo A Nightmare on Elm StreetR$ 11,9850%
Dead by Daylight: Ghost FaceR$ 10,4730%
Dead by Daylight: Nicolas Cage Chapter PackR$ 20,9730%
Dead by Daylight: PROJECT W ChapterR$ 25,1730%
Dead by Daylight: Resident Evil ChapterR$ 25,1730%
Dead by Daylight: Silent HillR$ 11,9850%
Dead By Daylight: Special EditionR$ 53,9840%
Dead by Daylight: Special Edition: Ash vs Evil DeadR$ 7,4850%
Dead by Daylight: The Halloween ChapterR$ 16,7730%
Dead by Daylight: The SAW ChapterR$ 11,9850%
Dead End JobR$ 6,2490%
Deadbeat HeroesR$ 9,1570%
Death Park 2R$ 13,4740%
Death's Gambit: AfterlifeR$ 44,9740%
Despot’s GameR$ 29,9860%
Destroy All Humans! - Jumbo PackR$ 130,3565%
DinobreakR$ 37,4750%
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!R$ 43,3425%
Dragon Ball XenoverseR$ 23,5085%
Dragon Quest Builders 2R$ 149,7040%
DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive EditionR$ 98,9740%
Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced EditionR$ 29,9870%
EA Sports FC 24 Standard EditionR$ 71,8080%
EA SPORTS FC™ 24 Ultimate Edition Xbox One & Xbox Series X|SR$ 211,6060%
Eastasiasoft Indie Shmup BundleR$ 11,0367%
Escape Room BundleR$ 77,9620%
Everdream ValleyR$ 46,2250%
Exit the GungeonR$ 14,7860%
Far Cry 4R$ 22,4870%
Far Cry 5R$ 29,8585%
Far Cry 5 - Gold EditionR$ 41,9985%
Far Cry 6 Game of the Year EditionR$ 149,9870%
Far Cry 6 Gold EditionR$ 103,1175%
Far Cry 6 Standard EditionR$ 69,9875%
Far Cry New DawnR$ 30,0080%
Far Cry New Dawn Deluxe EditionR$ 36,0080%
Far Cry Primal - Apex EditionR$ 39,5867%
Final Fantasy IXR$ 25,9860%
Final Fantasy VIIR$ 19,6060%
Final Fantasy VIII RemasteredR$ 24,9860%
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD RemasterR$ 87,6060%
Final Fantasy XII Zodiac AgeR$ 87,6060%
Final Fantasy XV MULTIPLAYER: COMRADESR$ 12,4060%
Final Fantasy XV SEASON PASSR$ 18,4060%
Final Fantasy XV: Episode ArdynR$ 6,1860%
FINAL FANTASY XV: Episode GladiolusR$ 6,3260%
FINAL FANTASY XV: Episode PromptoR$ 6,3260%
Final Fantasy XV: Royal EditionR$ 52,9860%
For The WarpR$ 55,2015%
From Shadows ReduxR$ 4,6175%
Gato RobotoR$ 7,4875%
Ghost Recon Wildlands: Ultimate EditionR$ 59,8080%
GigaBashR$ 73,9620%
Gnomes Garden 3: The thief of castlesR$ 5,2650%
Gnomes Garden: New HomeR$ 5,2550%
Golf With Your Friends - Starter EditionR$ 50,7565%
GONNER2R$ 14,5370%
GordR$ 74,9950%
Grand Theft Auto OnlineR$ 53,9550%
Grand Theft Auto V: Modo História (Xbox Series X|S)R$ 53,9550%
Graveyard Keeper: Last Journey EditionR$ 46,2375%
Graze Counter GMR$ 32,9740%
GRIMER$ 64,7130%
GrisR$ 15,6175%
GTA V Cross-Gen BundleR$ 98,9667%
GTA V: Premium Online Edition & Great White Shark Card BundleR$ 71,9755%
GTA V: Premium Online Edition & Megalodon Shark Card BundleR$ 149,9860%
GTA V: Premium Online Edition & Whale Shark Card BundleR$ 99,9860%
Happy's Humble Burger FarmR$ 18,7375%
HeadspunR$ 22,2250%
Hello NeighborR$ 37,3775%
Hello Neighbor 2R$ 66,3555%
Hello Neighbor Hide and SeekR$ 37,4875%
HellpointR$ 32,4875%
Hogwarts Legacy Versão Xbox OneR$ 149,9940%
HOT WHEELS UNLEASHED - Game of the Year Edition - Xbox Series X|SR$ 59,9285%
Hotline MiamiR$ 7,3980%
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong NumberR$ 8,2485%
Ice Cream SurferR$ 6,2980%
Infinity Strash: DRAGON QUEST The Adventure of DaiR$ 214,3333%
Infinity Strash: DRAGON QUEST The Adventure of Dai - Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 233,7633%
Infinity Strash: DRAGON QUEST The Adventure of Dai: Digital Deluxe UpgradeR$ 18,0233%
Injustice 2R$ 12,0090%
Injustice 2: Pack UltimateR$ 22,9585%
Just Cause 3R$ 10,6585%
Just Cause 3 - Capstone Bloodhound RPGR$ 2,7070%
Just Cause 3 - Combat BuggyR$ 2,1070%
Just Cause 3 - Explosive Weapon PackR$ 4,7470%
Just Cause 3 - Final Argument Sniper RifleR$ 2,7070%
Just Cause 3 - Kousava RifleR$ 1,5070%
Just Cause 3 - Mini-Gun Racing BoatR$ 2,1070%
Just Cause 3 - Reaper Missile MechR$ 3,0070%
Just Cause 3 - Rocket Launcher Sports CarR$ 2,1070%
Just Cause 3: Air, Land & Sea Expansion PassR$ 11,2575%
Just Cause 3: Bavarium Sea HeistR$ 9,0070%
Just Cause 3: Mech Land AssaultR$ 18,0070%
Just Cause 3: Pacote Definitivo de Missões, Armas e VeículosR$ 21,3070%
Just Cause 3: Sky FortressR$ 18,0070%
Just Cause 3: XXL EditionR$ 16,0585%
Just Cause 4 - Brawler MechR$ 7,9050%
Just Cause 4 - Danger RisingR$ 18,5050%
Just Cause 4 - Dare Devils of DestructionR$ 12,0050%
Just Cause 4 - Deathstalker Scorpion PackR$ 4,7470%
Just Cause 4 - Edição CompletaR$ 43,8685%
Just Cause 4 - Expansion PassR$ 23,0075%
Just Cause 4 - Gold EditionR$ 41,6985%
Just Cause 4 - Golden Gear PackR$ 6,3070%
Just Cause 4 - Los DemoniosR$ 18,5050%
Just Cause 4 - Neon Racer PackR$ 2,7070%
Just Cause 4 - ReloadedR$ 24,2985%
Just Cause 4 - Renegade PackR$ 2,7070%
Just Cause 4 - Sea Dogs Vehicle PackR$ 7,9050%
Just Cause 4 - Soaring Speed Vehicle PackR$ 7,9050%
Just Cause 4 - The DragonR$ 4,0050%
Just Cause 4 - Toy Vehicle PackR$ 7,9050%
Katana ZeroR$ 32,9740%
Kill it With FireR$ 13,7375%
Kingdom EightiesR$ 31,1130%
KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIXR$ 91,9860%
KINGDOM HEARTS HD 2.8 Final Chapter PrologueR$ 99,9860%
Kingdom Hearts IIIR$ 100,0060%
KINGDOM HEARTS III Re Mind + Concert VideoR$ 48,9860%
Kingdom New LandsR$ 4,3585%
Kingdom Two CrownsR$ 9,7575%
Kingdom Two Crowns: Norse LandsR$ 22,0515%
Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning: Fate EditionR$ 52,9860%
L.A. NoireR$ 99,5050%
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker SagaR$ 68,7070%
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - Character Collection 1 & 2R$ 29,9970%
Life is Strange 2 - Episódio 2R$ 9,6060%
Life is Strange 2 - Episódio 3R$ 9,6060%
Life is Strange 2 - Episódio 5R$ 9,6060%
Life Is Strange 2 Complete SeasonR$ 38,4060%
Life is Strange 2 Episode 4R$ 9,6060%
Life is Strange Remastered CollectionR$ 107,4550%
Life is Strange True ColorsR$ 89,9870%
Life is Strange True Colors Deluxe EditionR$ 104,9870%
Life is Strange True Colors Ultimate EditionR$ 158,9860%
Life is Strange True Colors: Deluxe UpgradeR$ 27,9860%
Life of FlyR$ 32,9740%
Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His NameR$ 174,3030%
Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name: Legendary Fighter PackR$ 31,2020%
Like a Dragon: Ishin! Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 172,5050%
LISA: Definitive EditionR$ 64,7130%
Little Goody Two ShoesR$ 83,9220%
Long Gone DaysR$ 46,8325%
Lost Artifacts: SoulstoneR$ 18,4750%
Lost JudgmentR$ 73,7575%
Lost Judgment Digital Ultimate EditionR$ 109,7575%
Madden NFL 24R$ 107,7070%
Madden NFL 24 Deluxe Edition Xbox Series X|S & Xbox OneR$ 211,6060%
Mafia 2 Definitive EditionR$ 41,2367%
Marvel's Midnight Suns Digital+ EditionR$ 99,8775%
Marvel's Midnight Suns Edição Digital+ para Xbox OneR$ 99,8775%
May’s Mysteries: The Secret of DragonvilleR$ 16,4870%
Metal Wolf Chaos XDR$ 46,2250%
Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 5R$ 29,9285%
Monster Energy Supercross 5 - Special EditionR$ 44,9885%
Mortal Kombat 11R$ 19,9990%
Mortal Kombat 11 - Pacote de Kombate 2R$ 17,7070%
Mortal Kombat 11 AftermathR$ 31,8080%
Mortal Kombat X: XL PackR$ 17,0080%
Mosaic Deluxe Edition ContentR$ 6,6710%
Mothered - A Role-Playing Horror GameR$ 14,7860%
Moving Out Deluxe EditionR$ 26,7880%
Murdered: Soul SuspectR$ 5,8585%
MutazioneR$ 52,4630%
My Friend PedroR$ 18,7375%
NHL 24R$ 107,7070%
NHL 24 X-FactorR$ 158,7070%
Night CallR$ 14,9980%
NORCOR$ 27,4750%
Not For BroadcastR$ 32,3565%
ObservationR$ 23,1175%
Oh My GodheadsR$ 9,6780%
OlliOlli World Rad EditionR$ 79,1667%
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 – Ultimate EditionR$ 254,9550%
orbit.industriesR$ 37,4750%
Outbuddies DXR$ 6,7490%
OutridersR$ 49,7550%
Outriders Worldslayer UpgradeR$ 63,9220%
OUTRIDERS: Hell's Rangers Content PackR$ 16,1440%
Overcooked! 2 - Gourmet EditionR$ 23,1175%
Perfect Ninja PainterR$ 15,6815%
Persona 4 GoldenR$ 57,0040%
Persona 5 TacticaR$ 191,7535%
Persona CollectionR$ 261,0040%
PGA Tour 2K23 Deluxe EditionR$ 124,8775%
Pixel GladiatorR$ 1,8490%
Pixel Heroes: Byte & MagicR$ 1,9090%
Pizza PossumR$ 19,4625%
Pocket WitchR$ 12,9130%
Potion Craft: Alchemist SimulatorR$ 33,7255%
Praetorians - HD RemasterR$ 37,4750%
Prince of Persia The Lost CrownR$ 143,9740%
Prince of Persia™: The Lost Crown Deluxe EditionR$ 179,9740%
Punch Club 2: Fast ForwardR$ 52,4630%
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2R$ 39,0080%
Rainbow Six Siege Deluxe Y8R$ 22,4985%
Rainbow Six Siege Ultimate EditionR$ 189,9750%
Razerwire: NanowarsR$ 10,4865%
Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate EditionR$ 149,9870%
Resident Evil 7R$ 36,6060%
Rewarding Community BundleR$ 21,8565%
Rhythm SproutR$ 27,4750%
RIDE 4 - Special EditionR$ 52,4885%
Riders Republic Complete EditionR$ 143,9870%
Riders Republic StandardR$ 49,9875%
Riders Republic: Skate 360 Edition / Deluxe (Skate + Skate Plus Pack)R$ 113,9870%
RoguebookR$ 33,7370%
Romancing Saga 2R$ 27,7370%
Romancing SaGa 3R$ 33,7370%
Royal RoadsR$ 18,4750%
Rubber BanditsR$ 13,2865%
RuinerR$ 14,9980%
Seasons after FallR$ 6,1980%
Serious Sam CollectionR$ 39,3565%
Serious Sam: Siberian MayhemR$ 29,9860%
SEUM: Speedrunners from HellR$ 2,9090%
Shadow GangsR$ 56,9740%
Shadow Warrior 3: Definitive EditionR$ 44,2370%
Shady Part of MeR$ 23,9870%
Shalnor Legends 2: Trials of ThunderR$ 29,9740%
Shiness: The Lightning KingdomR$ 6,1980%
SHMUP ManiaR$ 11,9935%
Skull and BonesR$ 321,5633%
Sleeping Dogs Definitive EditionR$ 29,8585%
SnowRunner - 2-Year Anniversary EditionR$ 214,9750%
SomaR$ 34,4870%
Sonic Colors: Ultimate - Digital DeluxeR$ 87,6060%
SONIC FORCES Digital Standard EditionR$ 47,5050%
Sonic FrontiersR$ 118,0060%
Sonic OriginsR$ 117,0040%
Sonic Superstars Deluxe EditionR$ 203,4040%
Soul Hackers 2 - Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 103,5070%
Soulcalibur VIR$ 39,4385%
South Park: The Stick of TruthR$ 19,7575%
Space Hulk: TacticsR$ 15,9980%
Speed or DeathR$ 11,9860%
Star Ocean: Divine ForceR$ 149,9550%
Star Ocean: Divine Force Deluxe EditionR$ 187,2550%
STEEPR$ 15,8080%
Strange of Paradise Final Fantasy OriginR$ 119,7040%
Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 179,9440%
Sudden Strike 4 - European Battlefields EditionR$ 56,2250%
Super Monkey Ball Banana ManiaR$ 68,5865%
Super Monkey Ball: Banana BlitzR$ 29,0080%
Super Sami RollR$ 23,1160%
SWORD ART ONLINE Alicization Lycoris - Deluxe EditionR$ 84,1180%
SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET Complete EditionR$ 44,1785%
Taiko no Tatsujin: The Drum MasterR$ 59,9770%
TamarinR$ 37,9367%
TEKKEN 7 - Edição DefinitivaR$ 89,9285%
The Bookwalker: Thief of TalesR$ 35,7135%
The Crew – Motorfest – Cross Gen BundleR$ 164,9750%
The Crew – Motorfest – Standard Edition (Xbox)R$ 149,9750%
The Crew – Motorfest – Ultimate EditionR$ 284,9750%
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little HopeR$ 49,7550%
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man Of MedanR$ 49,7550%
The Division 2R$ 29,9870%
The Division 2 - Warlords of New York - Ultimate EditionR$ 83,9870%
The Division Gold EditionR$ 35,9980%
The Enigma MachineR$ 17,5950%
The Escapists 2R$ 26,2275%
The Mosaic 1% EditionR$ 15,4980%
The Settlers®: New AlliesR$ 98,9867%
The WreckR$ 44,9740%
ThymesiaR$ 95,9440%
TinykinR$ 36,9860%
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction Deluxe EditionR$ 71,9870%
Tony and ClydeR$ 10,0133%
Tools Up!R$ 14,9980%
Tools Up! - Ultimate EditionR$ 25,9980%
Tools Up!: Garden Party – Season PassR$ 10,9980%
Totally Reliable Delivery ServiceR$ 13,7375%
TownscaperR$ 10,1445%
Trash QuestR$ 10,0370%
Trash SailorsR$ 18,7375%
Trek to YomiR$ 29,9860%
Trepang2 - Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 122,5030%
Trials FusionR$ 11,2575%
Valkyria RevolutionR$ 29,0080%
Vampire the Masquerade Swansong Xbox OneR$ 44,4980%
Vampire the Masquerade Swansong Xbox SeriesR$ 55,6175%
VanquishR$ 30,5075%
Watch Dogs Legion - ULTIMATE EDITIONR$ 99,9980%
Watch Dogs: Legion - Gold EditionR$ 82,4980%
Way of the Hunter: Elite EditionR$ 122,9740%
We Love Katamari REROLL+ Royal ReverieR$ 99,7550%
West of DeadR$ 18,7375%
West of Dead - Path of the CrowR$ 3,6167%
Who Wants to be a Millionaire?R$ 33,7370%
World of Final Fantasy MaximaR$ 57,2060%
Wreckfest Complete EditionR$ 54,9860%
XCOM 2R$ 12,4595%
XCOM 2 Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 29,5090%
Yakuza 0R$ 23,7575%
Yakuza 3 RemasteredR$ 23,7575%
Yakuza 5 RemasteredR$ 23,7575%
Yakuza 6: Song of Life Clan CreatorR$ 4,8080%
Yakuza KiwamiR$ 23,7575%
Yakuza Kiwami 2R$ 23,7575%

Só na Very Hard Games você compra Game Pass Ultimate, Live Gold e Cartões Presente com os melhores preços do Brasil. Além disso, você pode adquirir os jogos lançamentos em até 3x sem juros no cartão com a garantia e segurança que só a VHG proporciona para você.

Natural de São Paulo - BR, atualmente morando na Florida - USA, tem mais de 20 anos de experiência com Marketing, ama música, toca bateria e seu principal hobby são os games.


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Xbox comprar a Ubisoft seria muito “imprudente”, afirma ex-chefe do PlayStation

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Amada promoção está de volta na loja do Xbox

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Jogos brasileiros disponíveis no Xbox

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As vendas de consoles caíram na Europa!

Confira imagens do mais novo recurso do Xbox que foi lançado de surpresa

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Após diversos meses de "exclusividade" no Xbox, a Bethesda finalmente revelou a data de lançamento da versão de PS5 do Indiana Jones e o Grande Círculo.

Bethesda revela data de lançamento da versão de PS5 do Indiana Jones e o...

Após diversos meses de "exclusividade" no Xbox, a Bethesda finalmente revelou a data de lançamento da versão de PS5 do Indiana Jones e o...