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Arquivos anuais: 2023

Sony se sente “ameaçada” com aquisição da Activision Blizzard, afirma documento vazado

Parece que os primeiros jogos da Activision Blizzard no Game Pass serão revelados amanhã.

O dia de hoje foi bastante movimentado nos arredores da sede do PlayStation, já que vários documentos importantes foram vazados.

O vazamento aconteceu após uma invasão aos servidores da Insomniac Games, um dos principais estúdios da PlayStation Studios. O vazamento revelou os planos para os próximos anos da desenvolvedora, como uma nova IP não revelada, bem como um possível aumento de preço dos jogos da Sony para até cem dólares.

No entanto, o que mais chamou a atenção é a preocupação da Sony com a aquisição da Activision Blizzard. Os documentos apontam que a empresa japonesa está se sentindo “ameaçada” com a aquisição, já que os jogos da publicadora serão lançados no Game Pass, o que poderá atrair uma parte da sua base instalada para as plataformas da Microsoft.

O documento também mostrou que os planos do Xbox para o mercado mobile, bem como suas lojas digitais no PC (Xbox Store, Microsoft Store e, oferecem um valor estratégico “gigante”. Além disso, o documento também apontou que a Sony sabe que seus planos estão “datados”, e sugeriu que mudanças poderão acontecer em breve, como o lançamento de seus jogos first-party no PC em day-one.

Infelizmente, mais de um milhão de arquivos foram vazados, e nem todos foram encontrados. Independentemente da plataforma, um vazamento de informações confidências é extremamente destrutivo, e pode acabar com anos de trabalho de vários funcionários.

Aproveite para conferir a nossa Lojinha Virtual, com dicas de TVsControlesHeadsets, além de dezenas de produtos para você deixar seu cantinho Gamer do jeito que quiser.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown atingiu o estado Gold


Através do seu perfil oficial no X, a desenvolvedora francesa Ubisoft compartilhou uma novidade muito entusiasmante sobre o Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown.

Segundo compartilhado pela Ubisoft, o Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown atingiu o estado Gold, e está pronto para o seu lançamento no dia 18 de janeiro. Vale lembrar que quando um game atinge o estado de finalização de desenvolvimento, as equipes normalmente se empenham na correção de bugs. Confira:

Aproveite para conferir a nossa Lojinha Virtual, com dicas de TVsControlesHeadsets, além de dezenas de produtos para você deixar seu cantinho Gamer do jeito que quiser.

Bethesda pode estar trabalhando em mais jogos como serviço, aponta perfil de funcionária


É isso mesmo, parece que a Bethesda, do Xbox Game Studios, está trabalhando em mais jogos como serviço, pelo menos é o que aponta o perfil de uma funcionária.

No LinkedIn, foi possível descobrir que Becky Armstrong, nova contratação da Bethesda, está fornecendo “planos” de criação e gerenciamento de comunidades para jogos como serviço. Vale lembrar que vários especialistas afirmam que o futuro da indústria será definido nos jogos como serviços, conhecidos como “GaaS”.

Uma das maiores vantagens de jogos nesse estilo é o alto lucro que pode ser fornecido com microtransações de itens cosméticos, passes de temporada e moedas digitais. O maior exemplo de um GaaS em 2023 é o Fortnite, que vem recebendo inúmeras atualizações desde 2017, além de crossovers com grandes personagens da indústria, como Master Chief e Kratos. Confira:

Aproveite para conferir a nossa Lojinha Virtual, com dicas de TVsControlesHeadsets, além de dezenas de produtos para você deixar seu cantinho Gamer do jeito que quiser.

Sea of Stars já foi jogado por mais de quatro milhões de jogadores

Sea of Stars

Através do seu perfil oficial no X, a desenvolvedora Sabotage Studio revelou uma notícia bastante incrível sobre o Sea of Stars.

Segundo compartilhado pela Sabotage Studio, o Sea of Stars já foi jogado por mais de quatro milhões de jogadores, praticamente sendo um milhão de jogadores por mês, já que o game foi lançado há quatro meses. Vale lembrar que ele também foi lançado em day-one no Game Pass, o que pode ter ajudado o estúdio. Confira:

Sea of ​​Stars foi jogado por mais de 4 milhões de pessoas em todas as plataformas e catálogos de assinaturas em menos de 4 meses!

Aproveite para conferir a nossa Lojinha Virtual, com dicas de TVsControlesHeadsets, além de dezenas de produtos para você deixar seu cantinho Gamer do jeito que quiser.

Confira as novas vantagens do Xbox Game Pass – 18 de dezembro

Game Pass novos jogos

A Microsoft revelou as novas vantagens (perks) do Xbox Game Pass para dezembro. As novas vantagens incluem pacote no Vigor, assinatura premium do Discord e muito mais. Confira os novos perks:

  • Discord Nitro: três meses gratuitos;
  • Vigor: pacote deer stalker;
  • KartRider: Drift: pacote com benefícios;
  • World of Tanks: pacote “mira e ataque”;
  • Super Animal Royale: pacote da nona temporada;
  • Century: Age of Ashes: pacote com dragão;
  • Phantasy Star Online 2: pacote de dezembro;
  • KartRider: Drift: pacote com benefícios.

Aproveite para conferir a nossa Lojinha Virtual, com dicas de TVsControlesHeadsets, além de dezenas de produtos para você deixar seu cantinho Gamer do jeito que quiser.

Obsidian apresentou projeto de spin-off do The Elder Scrolls para a Bethesda, afirma ex-funcionário

the elder scrolls online DLC grátis

Em uma publicação no seu perfil oficial no X, Chris Avellone, ex-funcionário da Obsidian, confirmou que o estúdio já apresentou um projeto de um spin-off do The Elder Scrolls para a Bethesda.

Segundo compartilhado por Avelllone, o spin-off seria benéfico para entregar algo para os fãs enquanto o jogo da linha principal estaria em desenvolvimento. No entanto, isso não aconteceu, e hoje em dia temos o The Elder Scrolls Online, que tem servido para o mesmo propósito, mas com a ideia em si diferente.

A ideia dele era formar uma parceria similar a Treyarch e Activision, mas infezlimente não ganhou força e nem seguiu adiante porque a Bethesda se decepcionou com a recepção de Fallout New Vegas. Confira:

Uma das propostas de Elder Scrolls (que apresentei) pretendia servir a mesma função que Fallout New Vegas teve entre Fallout 3 e Fallout 4, para fornecer mais aventuras no cenário durante os anos anteriores ao próximo lançamento da Bethesda.

Aproveite para conferir a nossa Lojinha Virtual, com dicas de TVsControlesHeadsets, além de dezenas de produtos para você deixar seu cantinho Gamer do jeito que quiser.

Adeus: esses jogos vão deixar o Xbox Game Pass em breve – 31 de dezembro

Xbox Game Pass PC

Com a chegada da metade do mês de dezembro e com a primeira leva de jogos do Xbox Game Pass já revelada (sim, não teremos a tradicional segunda leva), a Microsoft revelou os jogos que deverão deixar o catálogo no final do mês.

A Microsoft divulgou que esses jogos deixarão o catálogo no dia 31 de dezembro, portanto se você ainda não jogou algum deles, corre que dá tempo. Vamos atualizar mensalmente, os jogos que saem tanto do Xbox, Xbox Cloud Gaming e PC. Confira:

  • Monster Train (Cloud, Console e PC);
  • Naraka Blade Point: Deluxe Edition (Cloud, Console e PC).

Aproveite para conferir a nossa Lojinha Virtual, com dicas de TVsControlesHeadsets, além de dezenas de produtos para você deixar seu cantinho Gamer do jeito que quiser.

Executivo da Activision organizou reuniões para estudar a aquisição da Paramount


Segundo Wall Street Journal (citando fontes), nas últimas semanas, estiveram em curso negociações para a venda da National Amusements, que controla a Paramount Global.

Entre os candidatos ao acordo, fontes do The Wall Street Journal citam Bobby Kotick, atual chefe da Activision Blizzard. Aparentemente, Kotik estava pessoalmente interessado no projeto, e não em unir a Paramount e a Activision no conglomerado da Microsoft.

Segundo interlocutores do Wall Street Journal, Kotick realizou uma reunião com os atuais proprietários da National Amusements há várias semanas. Conforme a publicação, a negociação parece não ter avançado bem e ficou mais improvável de se concluir.

É seguro presumir que Kotick estava de olho na Paramount Global como seu próximo grande sucesso. O mesmo recentemente vendeu a Activision Blizzard à Microsoft por aproximadamente US$ 69 bilhões; Kotik deixará a empresa no final de 2023.

EA Sports WRC – Análise da Central!

EA Sports WRC | Central Xbox

É hora de sujar os pneus de lama! EA Sports WRC

Os jogos oficiais do WRC têm uma longa história de desenvolvedores. Desde Evolution Studios nos anos 2000, antes da curta passagem de Milestone na década de 2010. Mais recentemente, o estúdio francês KT Racing assumiu a série durante sete anos, culminando com o esnobado WRC Generations do ano passado. Agora é a vez da Codemasters e EA Games entregarem o seu WRC, com o lançamento do EA Sports WRC inaugurando uma nova era de jogos de rally.

EA Sports WRC - Central Xbox

Se você está pensando que isso é basicamente “DiRT Rally 3.0 com a skin de WRC”, você está certo. Você encontrará muita linguagem visual e imagens semelhantes às do DiRT Rally 2.0 com fonte, cor, marca e locais do Campeonato Mundial de Rally estão aqui. Essas duas coisas funcionam muito bem juntas. Porém, por causa dessa nova aparência e entrada, descobri que o WRC teve uma experiência de integração muito ruim.

Há uma opção de menu Rally School, mas o jogo não solicita que você comece aqui. Para quem está aprendendo este novo jogo ou não conhece os jogos anteriores, seria uma ótima introdução. Rally School é um ótimo tutorial, pois ensina os três tipos de superfície: cascalho, asfalto e neve em vários desafios. Parece uma oportunidade perdida ou presunçoso que alguém que esteja entendendo isso esteja um pouco informado sobre o que está acontecendo.

Existem dois modos principais que você jogará aqui: Carreira e Campeonato. O modo carreira é onde você desempenha o duplo papel de proprietário e motorista de um veículo, onde tudo depende de você para gerenciamento e direção. Aqui você pode subir na classificação das escadas do WRC, se desejar. Se administrar dinheiro não é sua praia, então o modo Campeonato provavelmente é.

Aqui você escolhe entre Junior WRC, WRC 2 e WRC. No entanto, não há como passar de um campeonato WRC para outro. Este modo também consiste em assumir o papel de uma equipe, sem que seja baseado no driver criado. Ambos os modos são profundos e envolventes à sua maneira e oferecem duas ótimas maneiras de jogar.

EA Sports WRC - Central Xbox

Alguns dos percursos são realmente assustadores em altas velocidades, contando com seu navegador para indicar as próximas curvas e confiar sua vida a eles. São necessários reflexos rápidos e concentração constante; se você deixar sua mente vagar ou admirar a vista, você corre o risco de ignorar uma chamada e o resultado é muitas vezes cair em uma árvore, na lateral de uma ponte ou em um penhasco.

Com o dano total ativado e um rally composto por várias etapas, é muito fácil acabar com suas chances logo no início. Claro, em alguns pontos algumas etapas podem ter uma área de reparo para consertar o que puder, mas posso dizer que enfrentar uma etapa noturna com um ou nenhum farol é um sério desafio.

Isto significa que há muita estratégia envolvida para vencer um Rally. Em toda a extensão, eles podem consistir em 9 estágios, às vezes, então é preciso pensar se devemos correr forte desde o primeiro estágio ou diminuir um pouco para garantir que manteremos o carro inteiro. Quando chegamos a uma área de reparo, temos que fazer escolhas sobre o que podemos fazer de forma realista para nos consertarmos, levando em consideração que tipo de etapas estão por vir.

Felizmente, o EA Sports WRC permite personalizar todos os modos, para que você possa realizar ralis mais curtos com menos etapas ou enfrentar ralis completos. O lado positivo do desafio completo é que você pode jogar todas as etapas, a estratégia adequada também entra, mas a desvantagem é que essas corridas mais longas podem demorar um pouco. Algumas etapas que percorri demoraram mais de 15 minutos para serem concluídas, então você soma nove delas e é um pouco demorado, especialmente se você estiver avançando na carreira ou em um campeonato.

EA Sports WRC - Central Xbox

O nível de personalização aqui é sem precedentes. Você pode comprar componentes mecânicos como diferencial, caixa de câmbio e embreagem, trocar o painel dianteiro e traseiro e personalizar o exterior até os espelhos retrovisores. A personalização do interior é igualmente abrangente – você pode até instalar uma alavanca de câmbio com cabeça de caveira, por exemplo. Você precisará considerar a qualidade e a condição de cada peça, pois isso afeta o preço, fazendo você pensar sobre quais áreas priorizar.

Os designs resultantes podem parecer uma criação maluca da ficção com frente e traseira incompatíveis, mas construir um carro e torná-lo seu aumenta a sensação da pobreza à riqueza da carreira. É uma adição excelente e inesperada, e você pode trocar entre carros personalizados e de fábrica que comprou em cada temporada da carreira.

Outro aspecto do EA Sports WRC que é uma vitória são os efeitos sonoros, especificamente o som dos carros. Algumas etapas de um rali, alguns danos e você pode ouvir o motor lutando, ouvir aqueles cacos de metal chacoalhando dentro dele, provavelmente causando ainda mais danos à medida que você avança. Momentos como estes, quando eu estava liderando a geral e dizendo para o carro “vamos lá, carrinho, apenas continue, não me deixe na mão” – não têm preço.

Em muitos aspectos, este é um jogo excepcional porque tem tudo, gráficos decentes, jogabilidade, uma infinidade de carros da história do Rally, uma infinidade de locais e toneladas de etapas. Mesmo que ele esteja no território dos simuladores, assim como Forza Motorsport os jogos oficiais de F1, você pode adaptá-lo da maneira que desejar. Ele funciona bem tanto no volante quanto no pad (nem todos os jogos de corrida funcionam!).

Mesmo que o Rally possa não agradar a todos, há definitivamente algo a ser dito sobre um estilo de corrida onde é realmente só você e seu co-piloto versus o meio ambiente. É realmente uma questão de quem ousa vencer e estou totalmente disposto para isso.

EA Sports WRC - Central Xbox

EA Sports WRC definitivamente não é uma decepção e é um sucessor mais do que digno do Dirt Rally 2.0. Embora eu tivesse algumas preocupações sobre um novo motor gráfico e funcionamento de jogo e me perguntasse se a jogabilidade seria muito diferente, felizmente esses medos eram infundados. Não se engane, este é um jogo de corrida sólido com muitos carros, muitos locais (além de muitos estágios dentro deles) e excelente jogabilidade, seja através do volante ou do controle. Apesar de alguns pequenos problemas com alguns modos vazios ou algumas preocupações de desempenho, esta oferta para calouros é simplesmente ótima – e o que suaviza muito isso é seu preço moderado. WRC coloca o Campeonato Mundial de Rally em plena exibição.

Conclusão EA Sports WRC

A Codemasters mais uma vez elevou o nível dos jogos de rally – a licença WRC está em mãos competentes. Com a Codemasters mantendo a licença até pelo menos 2027, EA Sports WRC traz uma base sólida para construir, fornecendo que os problemas de desempenho possam ser corrigidos, abrindo caminho para uma nova era promissora de jogos de rally.

Xbox Countdown Sale: Mais de 1200 jogos para você comprar com DESCONTOS INCRÍVEIS!


A Microsoft lançou a sua “Contagem Regressiva de Ano Novo” com mais de 1200 jogos de Xbox e PC com descontos de com DESCONTOS INCRÍVEIS! A oferta começa hoje e vai até o dia 02 de janeiro, portando … aproveite! Todas as ofertas são válidas para o Xbox 360, Xbox One e para o Xbox Series X e Xbox Series S.

Lembrando que você pode adquirir qualquer jogo em até 3x sem juros no cartão, comprando diretamente da Very Hard Games. Acesse o link, abra o atendimento com a loja e diga que veio da Central Xbox.

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BlacktailR$ 63,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
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Blizzard Arcade CollectionR$ 39,9550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Blood Bowl 3R$ 88,4740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
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Borderlands 3R$ 37,5085%Xbox One / Xbox Series
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Borderlands Legendary CollectionR$ 83,1660%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Borderlands: Game of the Year EditionR$ 42,9067%Xbox One / Xbox Series
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BRAWLHALLA - ALL LEGENDS PACKR$ 73,7250%Xbox One / Xbox Series
BRAWLHALLA - COLLECTORS PACKR$ 332,9510%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Breakout RechargedR$ 16,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Brewmaster: Beer Brewing SimulatorR$ 45,1933%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Broken AgeR$ 5,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Brothers: a Tale of Two SonsR$ 16,0080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Bundle: Monoploly Madness + Monopoly PlusR$ 56,9870%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Bunny ParkR$ 27,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Burnout Paradise RemasteredR$ 23,7070%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of CthulhuR$ 20,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty 2R$ 34,5050%Xbox 360
Call of Duty 3R$ 34,5050%Xbox 360
Call of Duty 4: Modern WarfareR$ 44,5050%Xbox 360
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Digital Pro EditionR$ 103,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Gold EditionR$ 65,6767%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty: Black OpsR$ 74,5050%Xbox 360
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Spectre Rising EditionR$ 75,9067%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 119,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War - Cross-GenR$ 111,9665%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War - StandardR$ 92,3667%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty: Black Ops IIR$ 59,7070%Xbox 360
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Zombies Chronicles EditionR$ 65,6767%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Zombies DeluxeR$ 119,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty: GhostsR$ 65,6767%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty: Ghosts Digital Hardened EditionR$ 131,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 151,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Digital Legacy EditionR$ 119,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Launch EditionR$ 82,1767%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Edição Digital PadrãoR$ 75,5767%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2R$ 64,5050%Xbox 360
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3R$ 74,5050%Xbox 360
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II - Pacote MultigeraçãoR$ 164,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare RemasteredR$ 74,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty: Vanguard - Pacote Multi-geraçãoR$ 127,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty: Vanguard – StandardR$ 111,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty: World at WarR$ 44,5050%Xbox 360
Call of Duty: WWII - Digital DeluxeR$ 119,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty: WWII Gold EditionR$ 75,5767%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® III - Cross-Gen BundleR$ 209,3030%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® III - Vault EditionR$ 335,2020%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Call of Juarez: GunslingerR$ 6,0080%Xbox 360
Call of the Wild: The AnglerR$ 84,3325%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium BundleR$ 99,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Capcom Arcade Stadium Game Packs 1, 2, 3R$ 71,0960%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Capcom Beat Em Up BundleR$ 32,0750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Capcom Fighting BundleR$ 134,5555%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Capcom Fighting CollectionR$ 99,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Carnival GamesR$ 28,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Caverns of Mars: RechargedR$ 18,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Centipede RechargedR$ 16,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Chants of SennaarR$ 83,9620%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Charon's StaircaseR$ 44,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Chef Life Al Forno EditionR$ 92,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Chicken PoliceR$ 37,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
ChorusR$ 49,7575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers EditionR$ 52,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Cities: Skylines - Remastered: Skylines - Calm the Mind RadioR$ 13,4510%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Cities: Skylines - Remastered: Skylines - Content Creator Pack: Industrial EvolutionR$ 20,2010%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Cities: Skylines - Xbox One Edition: Skylines - Paradise RadioR$ 13,4510%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Cities: Skylines Remastered - AirportsR$ 43,6010%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Clash - Zeno EditionR$ 92,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
CloudpunkR$ 13,4985%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Code VeinR$ 39,4285%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Commandos 2 - HD RemasterR$ 37,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Commandos 3 - HD RemasterR$ 89,9620%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Company of Heroes 3: Premium EditionR$ 279,6530%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Conan Exiles - Isle of Siptah EditionR$ 84,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Conan Exiles - Standard EditionR$ 51,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Conan Exiles- Architects of Argos PackR$ 24,2510%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Conan Exiles Complete Edition October 2021R$ 258,7125%Xbox One / Xbox Series
ControlR$ 32,2575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Control - Season PassR$ 18,7570%Xbox One / Xbox Series
CONVERGENCE: A League of Legends StoryR$ 111,9330%Xbox One / Xbox Series
CONVERGENCE: A League of Legends Story Deluxe EditionR$ 139,6530%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Cookie CutterR$ 59,9620%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Cooking Simulator: Cakes & Cookies DLCR$ 34,1510%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Corpse PartyR$ 52,4630%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Costume QuestR$ 9,8080%Xbox 360
Crash Bandicoot - Pacote QuadrilogiaR$ 144,0060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About TimeR$ 82,5067%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Crash Bandicoot Bundle - N. Sane Trilogy + CTR Nitro-FueledR$ 104,6565%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane TrilogyR$ 60,0060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Crash Bandicoot- Pacote de CrashiversárioR$ 199,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Crash Bandicoot™ - Time to Rumble BundleR$ 166,5055%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Crash 'n the Boys Street ChallengeR$ 7,7660%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Crash Team Racing Nitro-FueledR$ 63,0065%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled - Nitros Oxide EditionR$ 80,5065%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled + Spyro Game BundleR$ 104,6565%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Crash Team Rumble™ - Deluxe EditionR$ 119,9440%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Crash Team Rumble™ - Standard EditionR$ 101,9440%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Crash™ + Spyro™ Triple Play BundleR$ 140,0060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Crime Boss: Rockay CityR$ 97,1940%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII ReunionR$ 149,7040%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion - Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 209,9440%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Crossout – Steel shield bundleR$ 169,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
CRSED: F.O.A.D. - Dark Horse BundleR$ 56,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
CRSED: F.O.A.D. - Nuts SplitterR$ 56,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
CRSED: F.O.A.D. - Vampire Hunter BundleR$ 56,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Crusader Kings IIIR$ 92,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Cry Babies Magic Tears: The Big GameR$ 64,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Cult of the Lamb: Cultist EditionR$ 67,4740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Cyberpunk 2077R$ 124,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom LibertyR$ 105,4015%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate EditionR$ 221,0933%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Day of the Tentacle RemasteredR$ 15,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Days of DoomR$ 86,2125%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DayzR$ 92,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight - Demise of the FaithfulR$ 7,9050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight - Shattered BloodlineR$ 7,9050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: A BINDING OF KINR$ 7,9050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: ALL-KILL ChapterR$ 7,9050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: Capítulo A Nightmare on Elm StreetR$ 7,9050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: Cursed Legacy ChapterR$ 7,9050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: CURTAIN CALL ChapterR$ 7,9050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead By Daylight: Darkness Among UsR$ 7,9050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: DESCEND BEYOND ChapterR$ 7,9050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: Ghost FaceR$ 12,9130%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: Head CaseR$ 4,0050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: Hellraiser ChapterR$ 5,0050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: Hour of the Witch ChapterR$ 5,0050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: LeatherfaceR$ 5,0050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: PACOTE DE EXPANSÃO DE ASSASSINOSR$ 42,4950%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: PACOTE DE EXPANSÃO DE SOBREVIVENTESR$ 42,4950%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: PROJECT W ChapterR$ 31,1130%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: Resident Evil ChapterR$ 31,1130%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: SADAKO RISING ChapterR$ 11,0630%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: Silent HillR$ 7,9050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: Silent Hill EditionR$ 92,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: Special Edition: Ash vs Evil DeadR$ 5,0050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: Special Edition:Chains of Hate ChapterR$ 7,9050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: The Halloween ChapterR$ 11,0630%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: The SAW ChapterR$ 7,9050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead by Daylight: ULTIMATE EDITIONR$ 70,2450%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead Island 2R$ 234,0040%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead Island 2 Gold EditionR$ 299,4040%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead Island Definitive CollectionR$ 15,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round (Jogo Completo)R$ 83,6050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead or Alive 6 - [Revival] Conjunto de Fatos Ajudante de Pai NatalR$ 47,3050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DEAD OR ALIVE 6 Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 106,2575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead RisingR$ 47,3270%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead Rising 2R$ 47,3270%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead Rising 2 Off the RecordR$ 19,2470%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead Rising 3: Apocalypse EditionR$ 39,1270%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead Rising 4R$ 40,0875%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dead Rising Triple Bundle PackR$ 78,6175%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DEAD SPACE 2R$ 15,0085%Xbox 360
DEAD SPACE 3R$ 15,0085%Xbox 360
Dead Space Remake Standard EditionR$ 135,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Deadbeat HeroesR$ 9,1570%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DeadcraftR$ 14,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DEADCRAFT Deluxe EditionR$ 22,4980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DEATHLOOP: Deluxe EditionR$ 79,4980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Deceive Inc. Black Tie EditionR$ 56,2250%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DE-EXIT - Eternal MattersR$ 27,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Defense Grid 2R$ 7,6275%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DefunctR$ 3,6990%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami Chronicles Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 138,0060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Desperados IIIR$ 64,7365%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Destiny - The CollectionR$ 75,5767%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Destiny 2: LightfallR$ 75,9960%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Destiny 2: The Armory CollectionR$ 36,2967%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Destiny 2: The Legacy Collection (2023)R$ 72,5967%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Destiny: Level 40 Hunter PackR$ 36,9667%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Destiny: Level 40 Titan PackR$ 36,9667%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Destiny: Level 40 Warlock PackR$ 36,9667%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Destiny: Rise of IronR$ 39,2767%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Destiny: The Taken KingR$ 26,0767%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DETECTIVE - Stella Porta caseR$ 35,0510%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Deus Ex: Mankind DividedR$ 16,0585%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Devil May Cry 4 Special EditionR$ 15,4670%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition Demon Hunter BundleR$ 28,9175%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Devil May Cry 5 + VergilR$ 44,7667%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Devil May Cry 5 Deluxe + VergilR$ 71,0960%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Devil May Cry 5 Special EditionR$ 68,9960%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Devil May Cry HD CollectionR$ 51,7067%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Devil May Cry HD Collection & 4SE BundleR$ 59,6967%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Diablo 2: Resurrected - Prime Evil UpgradeR$ 75,5767%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Diablo 2: Resurrected - StandardR$ 65,6767%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Diablo III: Eternal CollectionR$ 65,6767%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Diablo Prime Evil CollectionR$ 92,3667%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Diablo® IV - Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 269,4040%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Diablo® IV - Standard EditionR$ 209,9440%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Diablo® IV - Ultimate EditionR$ 299,4040%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DIGIMON SURVIVER$ 149,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DIRT 5 Year One EditionR$ 66,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DiRT Rally 2.0 Super Deluxe EditionR$ 46,2375%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Disciples: Liberation Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 111,2250%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dishonored 2R$ 14,9990%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dishonored Definitive EditionR$ 24,9875%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DisintegrationR$ 52,7667%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of TwoR$ 17,2575%Xbox 360
Disneyland AdventuresR$ 24,7367%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive EditionR$ 87,9260%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive EditionR$ 52,6870%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dog DutyR$ 7,3980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dolphin Spirit: Ocean MissionR$ 78,7130%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DOOM (1993)R$ 3,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DOOM 64R$ 3,2867%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DOOM Eternal Deluxe EditionR$ 87,4875%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DOOM Eternal Standard EditionR$ 49,9875%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DOOM II (Classic)R$ 3,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DOOM Slayers CollectionR$ 45,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DordogneR$ 70,3133%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the DragonsR$ 71,0720%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DRAGON AGE 2-85%Xbox 360
Dragon Age OriginsR$ 10,3585%Xbox 360
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Game of the Year Edition-80%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dragon Ball FighterzR$ 37,5085%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dragon Ball FighterZ: Edição UltimateR$ 112,5075%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 Special EditionR$ 149,7040%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot - Legendary EditionR$ 257,8060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROTR$ 74,9775%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dragon Ball: The BreakersR$ 24,8775%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dragon Quest Builders 2R$ 149,7040%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive EditionR$ 98,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dragon's Dogma: Dark ArisenR$ 23,5085%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DredgeR$ 100,4225%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Ducktales: RemasteredR$ 7,5075%Xbox 360
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of MystaraR$ 6,0080%Xbox 360
Dungeons 3 Complete CollectionR$ 73,7250%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dungeons 4 - Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 189,0815%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dying Light 2 Stay Human Standard EditionR$ 132,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dying Light 2 Stay Human Ultimate EditionR$ 300,9630%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced EditionR$ 29,9870%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 Complete EditionR$ 225,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
DYNASTY WARRIORS 9: All Season Passes SetR$ 123,5450%Xbox One / Xbox Series
EA Family BundleR$ 14,9090%Xbox One / Xbox Series
EA Sports FC 24 Standard EditionR$ 107,7070%Xbox One / Xbox Series
EA SPORTS FC™ 24 Ultimate Edition Xbox One & Xbox Series X|SR$ 211,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
EA SPORTS PGA TOURR$ 135,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
EA SPORTS PGA TOUR Deluxe EditionR$ 171,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Edengate: The Edge of LifeR$ 22,0515%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Eiyuden Chronicle: RisingR$ 35,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Elden RingR$ 179,9440%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Elden Ring - Deluxe EditionR$ 239,9440%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Elea - Episode 1R$ 7,3980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Endless DungeonR$ 127,9220%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Endling - Extinction is ForeverR$ 46,1867%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Evil WestR$ 149,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
ExoprimalR$ 181,3535%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Exoprimal Deluxe EditionR$ 218,4035%Xbox One / Xbox Series
F1 23R$ 107,7070%Xbox One / Xbox Series
F1 Manager 2023R$ 125,9865%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Fable AnniversaryR$ 24,7575%Xbox 360
Fallen Legion RevenantsR$ 110,5825%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Fallen Legion: Rise to GloryR$ 75,3433%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Fallout 4: Game of the Year EditionR$ 49,9875%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Fallout 76R$ 39,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Fallout: New VegasR$ 9,2375%Xbox 360
Far Cry 5 - Gold EditionR$ 41,9985%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Far Cry 6 Deluxe EditionR$ 84,9875%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Far Cry 6 DLC 2: PAGAN - ControlR$ 37,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Far Cry 6 DLC 3 Joseph: CollapseR$ 37,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
FAR CRY 6 DLC VAAS: INSANITYR$ 37,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Far Cry 6 Game of the Year EditionR$ 149,9870%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Far Cry 6 Gold EditionR$ 103,1175%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Far Cry 6 Standard EditionR$ 69,9875%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Far Cry New DawnR$ 30,0080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Far Cry Primal - Apex EditionR$ 39,5867%Xbox One / Xbox Series
FAR CRY® 6 - PACOTE INICIANTER$ 43,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Farming Simulator 22: ANTONIO CARRARO PackR$ 36,8510%Xbox One / Xbox Series
FATAL FRAME: Maiden of Black WaterR$ 108,5430%Xbox One / Xbox Series
FATAL FRAME: Maiden of Black Water Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 150,8730%Xbox One / Xbox Series
FATAL FRAME: Mask of the Lunar EclipseR$ 139,9630%Xbox One / Xbox Series
FATAL FRAME: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 202,9630%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Fight Night ChampionR$ 15,8080%Xbox 360
Final Fantasy IXR$ 25,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
FINAL FANTASY TYPE-0 HDR$ 28,8060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Final Fantasy VIIR$ 19,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Final Fantasy VIII RemasteredR$ 24,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD RemasterR$ 87,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Final Fantasy XII Zodiac AgeR$ 87,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Final Fantasy XV MULTIPLAYER: COMRADESR$ 12,4060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Final Fantasy XV Royal PackR$ 18,4060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Final Fantasy XV SEASON PASSR$ 18,4060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Final Fantasy XV: Episode ArdynR$ 6,1860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
FINAL FANTASY XV: Episode GladiolusR$ 6,3260%Xbox One / Xbox Series
FINAL FANTASY XV: Episode IgnisR$ 6,3260%Xbox One / Xbox Series
FINAL FANTASY XV: Episode PromptoR$ 6,3260%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Final Fantasy XV: Royal EditionR$ 52,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
FireFighting Simulator - The SquadR$ 73,0935%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Flight Simulator Deluxe 40th Anniversary EditionR$ 203,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Flight Simulator Premium Deluxe 40th Anniversary EditionR$ 257,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Flight Simulator Standard 40th Anniversary EditionR$ 149,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Fobia: St. Dinfna HotelR$ 56,2250%Xbox One / Xbox Series
FOCUS INDIES BUNDLE: Curse of the Dead Gods + Shady Part of Me + Aeon Must Die!R$ 85,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
FOR HONOR : MARCHING FIRE EDITIONR$ 29,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
For The KingR$ 27,7370%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Forza Horizon 4R$ 82,1767%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Forza Horizon 4 Deluxe EditionR$ 108,1565%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate EditionR$ 139,6565%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Forza Horizon 5R$ 124,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Forza Horizon 5 - Rally AdventureR$ 39,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Forza Horizon 5 Deluxe EditionR$ 154,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Forza Horizon 5 Hot WheelsR$ 39,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Forza Horizon 5 Premium EditionR$ 179,5555%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Forza Horizon 5: Pacote de Complementos SupremoR$ 99,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Forza MotorsportR$ 279,2020%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Forza Motorsport + Forza Horizon 5 Premium Add-Ons BundleR$ 238,8040%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Forza Motorsport + Forza Horizon 5 Premium Edition BundleR$ 538,8040%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Forza Motorsport Deluxe EditionR$ 359,2020%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Forza Motorsport PremiumR$ 399,9920%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Forza Motorsport Premium Add-onR$ 159,2020%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Fresh StartR$ 37,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Fuga: Melodies of Steel 2: Deluxe Edition Upgrade PackR$ 70,9310%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Full Throttle RemasteredR$ 15,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Garfield Lasagna PartyR$ 58,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Gears 5R$ 49,7575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Gears 5 Game of the YearR$ 62,2575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Gears 5: HivebustersR$ 24,7575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Gears of War 4R$ 24,7575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Gears of War Ultimate Edition Deluxe VersionR$ 24,7575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Gears TacticsR$ 49,7575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Gears Triple BundleR$ 77,2575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Generation Zero - Ultimate BundleR$ 129,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Generation Zero®: Reinforced Flakmoped PackR$ 13,0010%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Ghost Recon BreakpointR$ 46,0080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Ghost Recon Breakpoint DeluxeR$ 53,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Ghost Recon Breakpoint UltimateR$ 91,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Ghost Trick: Phantom DetectiveR$ 97,8233%Xbox One / Xbox Series
GhostrunnerR$ 29,7070%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Ghostrunner 2R$ 113,3930%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Ghostrunner 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 119,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Ghosts 'n Goblins ResurrectionR$ 47,4865%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Ghostwire: TokyoR$ 98,9867%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Ghostwire: Tokyo Deluxe EditionR$ 131,1567%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Goat Simulator 3R$ 95,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Goat Simulator 3 - Digital Downgrade EditionR$ 128,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
God of RockR$ 39,3565%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Godfall Ultimate EditionR$ 81,6965%Xbox One / Xbox Series
God's TriggerR$ 11,2080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Golf With Your Friends Deluxe EditionR$ 36,0075%Xbox One / Xbox Series
GordR$ 79,9950%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Gotham Knights Deluxe EditionR$ 89,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
GOTTA GO FAST: Racing CollectionR$ 28,1175%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Grand Theft Auto VR$ 107,4550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Grand Theft Auto V: Tiger Shark Cash CardR$ 9,0010%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Gravitar RechargedR$ 16,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
GreedFallR$ 46,4870%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Green HellR$ 48,6150%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Grid LegendsR$ 29,9090%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Grim Fandango RemasteredR$ 15,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Grow: Song of the EvertreeR$ 41,5660%Xbox One / Xbox Series
GTA Online: Megalodon Shark Cash Card (Xbox Series X|S)-10%Xbox One / Xbox Series
GTA Online: Megalodon Shark Cash Card (Xbox Series X|S)R$ 169,1515%Xbox One / Xbox Series
GTA The Trilogy The Definitive EditionR$ 149,9550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
GTA V: Pacote dinheiro MegalodonteR$ 169,1515%Xbox One / Xbox Series
GTA V: Premium Online EditionR$ 100,4633%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Guilty Gear -Strive-: GGST Guilty Gear 25th Anniversary ColorsR$ 15,5710%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Guilty Gear -Strive-: GGST Season Pass 3R$ 48,5910%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Gunfire RebornR$ 39,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
GYLTR$ 69,9630%Xbox One / Xbox Series
HadesR$ 48,6150%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Halo 3: ODSTR$ 6,0075%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Halo 5: GuardiansR$ 24,7575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Halo Infinite (Campaign)R$ 119,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Halo Wars 2R$ 34,7575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Halo Wars 2: Complete EditionR$ 49,7575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Halo Wars 2: Season PassR$ 89,1010%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Halo Wars: Definitive EditionR$ 9,7375%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Halo: ReachR$ 12,2575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Halo: The Master Chief CollectionR$ 49,7575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Hammerwatch: Heroic BundleR$ 73,9620%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Hardspace: ShipbreakerR$ 85,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Haunted HouseR$ 59,9620%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Have Fun TogetherR$ 55,4870%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Hazelight BundleR$ 74,7575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Headbangers: Rhythm RoyaleR$ 80,7025%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Hell Let LooseR$ 149,4635%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Hell Let Loose - Deluxe EditionR$ 191,6835%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Hell WellR$ 14,7620%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Hellblade: Senua's SacrificeR$ 8,8585%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Hellboy Web of WyrdR$ 73,9620%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Hi-Fi Rush Deluxe EditionR$ 139,9630%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Hogwarts Legacy Digital DeluxeR$ 174,9950%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Hogwarts Legacy Versão Xbox OneR$ 124,9950%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Hogwarts Legacy Versão Xbox Series X|SR$ 149,9950%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Homefront: The Revolution 'Freedom Fighter' BundleR$ 7,9090%Xbox One / Xbox Series
HoraceR$ 23,9960%Xbox One / Xbox Series
HOT WHEELS UNLEASHED™ 2 - TurbochargedR$ 174,6530%Xbox One / Xbox Series
HOT WHEELS UNLEASHED™ 2 - Turbocharged - Deluxe EditionR$ 244,9330%Xbox One / Xbox Series
HOT WHEELS UNLEASHED™ 2 - Turbocharged - Legendary EditionR$ 314,6530%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Hotel: A Resort SimulatorR$ 78,7130%Xbox One / Xbox Series
How To Survive 2R$ 5,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
How to Survive: Storm Warning EditionR$ 9,7575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Human Fall FlatR$ 11,4070%Xbox One / Xbox Series
HUMANKIND™ - Edição HeritageR$ 269,9125%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Hunting Simulator 2 Elite Edition Xbox OneR$ 38,9985%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Hunting Simulator 2 Elite Edition Xbox Series X|SR$ 38,9985%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Ikaruga-50%Xbox 360
Immortal Realms: Vampire WarsR$ 58,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
IMMORTALS FENYX RISING GOLDR$ 61,8685%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Immortals of Aveum™R$ 143,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Imp of the SunR$ 29,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
In Sound MindR$ 18,7990%Xbox One / Xbox Series
IndivisibleR$ 26,9985%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Infected Cowboys BundleR$ 116,9755%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Infinity Strash: DRAGON QUEST The Adventure of DaiR$ 214,3333%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Infinity Strash: DRAGON QUEST The Adventure of Dai - Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 233,7633%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Infinity Strash: DRAGON QUEST The Adventure of Dai: Digital Deluxe UpgradeR$ 18,0233%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Injustice 2 - Legendary EditionR$ 19,9090%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Injustice: Gods Among UsR$ 32,2575%Xbox 360
InscryptionR$ 37,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Inspector Gadget - MAD Time PartyR$ 88,4740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Insurgency SandstormR$ 79,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
It Takes TwoR$ 49,7575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Joe Dever's Lone Wolf Console EditionR$ 2,9090%Xbox One / Xbox Series
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle RR$ 91,9660%Xbox One / Xbox Series
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R: Yuya FungamiR$ 24,2110%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Journey to the Savage PlanetR$ 44,9870%Xbox One / Xbox Series
JudgmentR$ 58,5070%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Jurassic World Evolution - Deluxe BundleR$ 21,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Jurassic World Evolution 2: Dominion BundleR$ 167,9865%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Just Cause 3R$ 10,6585%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Just Cause 3: XXL EditionR$ 16,0585%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Just Cause 4 - Edição CompletaR$ 43,8685%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Just Cause 4 - Gold EditionR$ 41,6985%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Just Cause 4 - ReloadedR$ 24,2985%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Just Dance 2024 DeluxeR$ 181,4745%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Just Dance 2024 StandardR$ 149,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Just Dance 2024 Ultimate EditionR$ 242,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Kaze and the WildmasksR$ 29,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Kerbal Space Program Enhanced EditionR$ 37,2575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
KeyWeR$ 32,3565%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Killer FrequencyR$ 77,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Killing Floor 2R$ 22,4980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Kingdom Come: DeliveranceR$ 32,2575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIXR$ 91,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
KINGDOM HEARTS HD 2.8 Final Chapter PrologueR$ 99,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Kingdom Hearts IIIR$ 100,0060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
KINGDOM HEARTS III Re MindR$ 36,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
KINGDOM HEARTS III Re Mind + Concert VideoR$ 48,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
KINGDOM HEARTS Melody of MemoryR$ 99,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Kingdoms of Amalur Re-ReckoningR$ 28,4870%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie SeriesR$ 62,4775%Xbox One / Xbox Series
KombineraR$ 28,7250%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Kona II: BrumeR$ 111,9330%Xbox One / Xbox Series
LA-MULANAR$ 27,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
LA-MULANA 2R$ 46,2250%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Lara Croft and the Temple of OsirisR$ 14,8585%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Lawn Mowing SimulatorR$ 19,1970%Xbox One / Xbox Series
LEGO 2K Drive Awesome Rivals EditionR$ 299,7550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
LEGO 2K Drive Cross-Gen Standard EditionR$ 199,7550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
LEGO 2K Drive for Xbox OneR$ 174,9550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Deluxe EditionR$ 19,3585%Xbox One / Xbox Series
LEGO DC Super-Villains Deluxe EditionR$ 42,0085%Xbox One / Xbox Series
LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure ContinuesR$ 17,2575%Xbox 360
LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original AdventuresR$ 17,2575%Xbox 360
LEGO Jurassic WorldR$ 45,0075%Xbox One / Xbox Series
LEGO Marvel Super HeroesR$ 49,7575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 25,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
LEGO Marvel’s Avengers Deluxe EditionR$ 40,0080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video GameR$ 17,2575%Xbox 360
LEGO Star Wars II: The Original TrilogyR$ 19,4767%Xbox 360
LEGO Star Wars IIIR$ 29,7575%Xbox 360
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete SagaR$ 9,7575%Xbox 360
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - Character Collection 1 & 2R$ 29,9970%Xbox One / Xbox Series
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - Deluxe EditionR$ 83,7070%Xbox One / Xbox Series
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - Galactic EditionR$ 89,9970%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Lemon CakeR$ 37,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Life Is Strange 2 Complete SeasonR$ 38,4060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Life is Strange Remastered CollectionR$ 107,4550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Life is Strange True ColorsR$ 89,9870%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Life is Strange True Colors Deluxe EditionR$ 104,9870%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Life is Strange True Colors Ultimate EditionR$ 158,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Life is Strange True Colors: Deluxe UpgradeR$ 27,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His NameR$ 215,2020%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Like a Dragon: Ishin! Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 172,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Little Big WorkshopR$ 26,2365%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Little Goody Two ShoesR$ 83,9220%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Loop8: Summer of Gods (Bundle)R$ 71,9960%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Lords of the FallenR$ 181,9630%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Lords of the Fallen Deluxe EditionR$ 208,2130%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Lost In RandomR$ 14,9090%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Lost JudgmentR$ 88,5070%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Lost Judgment Digital Ultimate EditionR$ 109,7575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Lost Planet 3R$ 11,8080%Xbox 360
Lost Planet Lost ColoniesR$ 7,8080%Xbox 360
Madden NFL 24R$ 143,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Madden NFL 24: Michael Vick 20th Anniversary Edition Xbox One & Xbox Series X|S-35%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Mafia Definitive EditionR$ 41,2375%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Mafia: TrilogyR$ 82,4667%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Maneater: Apex Edition BundleR$ 73,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Mars HorizonR$ 11,3970%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Marsupilami: HoobadventureR$ 14,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Marvel vs. Capcom: InfiniteR$ 36,7980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite - Deluxe EditionR$ 46,7880%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Marvel's Guardians of the GalaxyR$ 74,9875%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Marvel's Midnight Suns Edição Lendária para Xbox OneR$ 149,8570%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Marvel's Midnight Suns Enhanced EditionR$ 104,9770%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Marvel's Midnight Suns Legendary EditionR$ 149,8570%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Marvel's Midnight Suns para Xbox OneR$ 89,9770%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Mass Effect 2R$ 10,4985%Xbox 360
Mass Effect 3R$ 10,3585%Xbox 360
Mass Effect Legendary EditionR$ 29,9090%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Mass Effect: Andromeda - Deluxe Recruit EditionR$ 23,8585%Xbox One / Xbox Series
MASSIVE CHALICER$ 7,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Matchpoint: Tennis ChampionshipsR$ 129,4630%Xbox One / Xbox Series
MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - JumpShip EditionR$ 116,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Meet Your MakerR$ 71,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Meet Your Maker Deluxe EditionR$ 64,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Mega Man 11R$ 51,7067%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Mega Man 30th Anniversary BundleR$ 130,9350%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Mega Man Legacy CollectionR$ 12,2060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 & 2 Combo PackR$ 66,8860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2R$ 54,2660%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Mega Man X Legacy CollectionR$ 37,4360%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1+2R$ 75,3060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2R$ 37,4360%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy CollectionR$ 52,0667%Xbox One / Xbox Series
MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINAR$ 132,4550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA - Deluxe EditionR$ 187,4550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Memories of MarsR$ 18,7375%Xbox One / Xbox Series
METAL GEAR SOLID: MASTER COLLECTION Vol.1R$ 239,9220%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Metal MindR$ 60,7010%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Metro 2033 ReduxR$ 9,7575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Metro ExodusR$ 14,0075%Xbox One / Xbox Series
METRO QUESTERR$ 67,4510%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Metro Saga BundleR$ 44,4980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Metro: Last Light ReduxR$ 7,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Miasma ChroniclesR$ 89,9940%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Minecraft Dungeons Ultimate EditionR$ 95,8435%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Minecraft LegendsR$ 129,9635%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Minecraft Legends Deluxe EditionR$ 149,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Minecraft: Xbox One Edition: Minecraft Redstone Specialists Skin PackR$ 5,4010%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Minecraft: Xbox One Edition: Minecraft Skin Pack 2R$ 5,4010%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Minecraft: Xbox One Edition: Minecraft Villains Skin PackR$ 5,4010%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Mirror's Edge CatalystR$ 3,4595%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Missile Command: RechargedR$ 18,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
MLB The Show 23 - Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 174,6565%Xbox One / Xbox Series
MLB The Show 23 - Xbox One EditionR$ 44,8585%Xbox One / Xbox Series
MLB The Show 23 - Xbox Series X|S EditionR$ 87,2575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
MONOPOLY FAMILY FUN PACK-70%Xbox One / Xbox Series
MONOPOLY PLUSR$ 8,7070%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Monster CrownR$ 29,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 6R$ 89,9770%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Monster HarvestR$ 14,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Monster Hunter RiseR$ 92,0050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Monster Hunter Rise Deluxe EditionR$ 114,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Monster Hunter Rise: Cursed Flame face paintR$ 4,5010%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Monster Hunter Rise: Lance Gunn Hunter layered armor setR$ 11,7010%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Monster Hunter Rise: Ran Page Hunter layered armor setR$ 11,7010%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Monster Hunter Rise: Special Stickers 4 sticker setR$ 9,0010%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Monster Hunter Rise: SunbreakR$ 115,8040%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Deluxe EditionR$ 143,4040%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Deluxe KitR$ 43,2040%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Monster Hunter Rise: Wild Legs Hunter layered armor pieceR$ 6,3010%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Monster Hunter Rise+SunbreakR$ 139,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Monster Hunter Rise+Sunbreak DeluxeR$ 202,2040%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Monster Hunter WorldR$ 43,6450%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Monster Hunter World: IceborneR$ 64,1550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Deluxe KitR$ 31,4435%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Digital DeluxeR$ 80,4550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master EditionR$ 80,4550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Master Edition Digital DeluxeR$ 108,8550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
MONSTER HUNTER WORLD: Kit DeluxeR$ 24,4525%Xbox One / Xbox Series
MonstrumR$ 14,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Morbid: The Seven AcolytesR$ 13,4985%Xbox One / Xbox Series
MORDHAUR$ 52,7867%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Mortal Kombat 11 Shang TsungR$ 18,0010%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Mortal Kombat XLR$ 30,0075%Xbox One / Xbox Series
MotoGP23R$ 99,8060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Mount & Blade II: BannerlordR$ 119,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 143,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Moving Out 2R$ 79,9550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Mr. Run and JumpR$ 75,9620%Xbox One / Xbox Series
MudRunner - American Wilds EditionR$ 28,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
MudRunner – American Wilds ExpansionR$ 10,8565%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Murdered: Soul SuspectR$ 5,8585%Xbox One / Xbox Series
MX vs ATV LegendsR$ 92,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
MXGP 2021 - The Official Motocross VideogameR$ 24,9590%Xbox One / Xbox Series
MXGP 2021 - The Official Motocross Videogame - Xbox Series X|SR$ 24,9590%Xbox One / Xbox Series
My Fantastic RanchR$ 58,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
MY HERO ONE'S JUSTICER$ 52,4550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
MY HERO ONE'S JUSTICE 2R$ 49,8775%Xbox One / Xbox Series
MY HERO ONE'S JUSTICE 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 74,9775%Xbox One / Xbox Series
My Time at Portia Deluxe EditionR$ 37,5075%Xbox One / Xbox Series
My Universe - Interior DesignerR$ 22,4980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
My Universe - My BabyR$ 22,4980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
My Universe - School TeacherR$ 22,4980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 ROAD TO BORUTOR$ 49,9080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM LegacyR$ 100,0060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKERR$ 49,7550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER - Ultimate EditionR$ 214,9550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORMR$ 25,0075%Xbox One / Xbox Series
NASCAR 21: Ignition - Victory EditionR$ 55,4740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
NASCAR Heat 5 - Ultimate EditionR$ 67,4740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
NASCAR HEAT BUNDLER$ 129,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
NBA 2K Playgrounds 2R$ 27,0075%Xbox One / Xbox Series
NBA 2K24R$ 104,9665%Xbox One / Xbox Series
NBA 2K24R$ 157,4555%Xbox One / Xbox Series
NecropolisR$ 34,1875%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Need for SpeedR$ 11,8585%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Need for Speed HeatR$ 11,9595%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Need for Speed Heat Edição DeluxeR$ 13,9595%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Need for Speed Heat Edição DeluxeR$ 13,9595%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Need for Speed PaybackR$ 11,9090%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Need for Speed Payback - Deluxe EditionR$ 15,9090%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Need for Speed RivalsR$ 12,0085%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Need for Speed UnboundR$ 50,8585%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Need for Speed UnboundR$ 50,8585%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Need for Speed Unbound Edição PalaceR$ 39,9090%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Need for Speed Unbound Edição PalaceR$ 39,9090%%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Need for Speed™ Hot Pursuit RemasteredR$ 19,9090%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Neighbours back From HellR$ 12,2870%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Neverwinter 1000 ZenR$ 29,5620%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Neverwinter 5300 ZenR$ 147,9620%Xbox One / Xbox Series
New Tales from the BorderlandsR$ 99,7550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
NHL 24R$ 143,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
NHL 24 Xbox One Standard EditionR$ 127,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
NHL 24 X-FactorR$ 211,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom - The Prince's EditionR$ 79,9975%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 155,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 Ultimate EditionR$ 178,4740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Nier Replicant ver.1.22474487139...R$ 99,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
NieR:Automata BECOME AS GODS EditionR$ 57,2060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
NINJA GAIDEN: Master CollectionR$ 142,0433%Xbox One / Xbox Series
NINJA GAIDEN: Master Collection Deluxe EditionR$ 177,5533%Xbox One / Xbox Series
No More Heroes 3 - Xbox Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 66,7370%Xbox One / Xbox Series
No More Heroes 3 - Xbox Standard EditionR$ 55,4870%Xbox One / Xbox Series
No Place Like HomeR$ 46,2250%Xbox One / Xbox Series
No Straight RoadsR$ 32,3565%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Octopath TravelerR$ 113,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Oh My GodheadsR$ 9,6780%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Okami HDR$ 32,0750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
OlliOlli WorldR$ 79,9550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
One Hand ClappingR$ 14,6667%Xbox One / Xbox Series
One Piece OdysseyR$ 119,9660%Xbox One / Xbox Series
ONE PIECE World SeekerR$ 26,2990%Xbox One / Xbox Series
One Piece: Burning BloodR$ 26,1890%Xbox One / Xbox Series
ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS 4 Deluxe EditionR$ 69,7880%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Onimusha: WarlordsR$ 25,6560%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Open CountryR$ 25,0060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Ori and the Will of the WispsR$ 42,5767%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Ori: The CollectionR$ 75,8867%Xbox One / Xbox Series
OutridersR$ 49,8775%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Outriders WorldslayerR$ 119,9660%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Outriders Worldslayer UpgradeR$ 85,9660%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Outward Adventurer BundleR$ 36,8675%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Overcooked! All You Can EatR$ 85,9660%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Overcooked: Gourmet EditionR$ 12,2575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Overpass 2R$ 129,4630%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Overwatch® 2: Coleção de HeróisR$ 4,6080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
PAC-MAN 256R$ 8,4060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
PAC-MAN WORLD RE-PACR$ 49,3367%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Paleo PinesR$ 85,8515%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Park BeyondR$ 87,3265%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Party AnimalsR$ 45,4630%Xbox One / Xbox Series
PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITIONR$ 7,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
PAYDAY 3: Gold EditionR$ 374,2525%Xbox One / Xbox Series
PAYDAY 3: Silver EditionR$ 292,5025%Xbox One / Xbox Series
PC Building SimulatorR$ 16,8675%Xbox One / Xbox Series
PentimentR$ 66,9633%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Persona 3 PortableR$ 61,7535%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Persona 4 GoldenR$ 61,7535%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Persona CollectionR$ 282,7535%Xbox One / Xbox Series
PGA Tour 2K23 Cross-Gen EditionR$ 87,4875%Xbox One / Xbox Series
PGA TOUR 2K23 for Xbox OneR$ 74,9775%Xbox One / Xbox Series
PGA Tour 2K23 Tiger Woods EditionR$ 197,8367%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney TrilogyR$ 45,1167%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Pillars of Eternity: Complete EditionR$ 39,7575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Planet Coaster: Premium EditionR$ 100,4870%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Planet of LanaR$ 52,4630%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Plants vs. Zombies Garden WarfareR$ 13,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2R$ 13,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2: Deluxe EditionR$ 21,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2: Deluxe EditionR$ 16,3585%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for NeighborvilleR$ 14,9090%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville™ Deluxe EditionR$ 19,9090%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Police Simulator: Patrol OfficersR$ 110,5825%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Pong QuestR$ 28,8950%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Port Royale 4 Extended CutR$ 81,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Portal KnightsR$ 11,7070%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Portal: Still AliveR$ 9,9067%Xbox 360
Powerstar Golf - Full Game UnlockR$ 12,8767%Xbox One / Xbox Series
PowerWash SimulatorR$ 107,1220%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Praetorians - HD RemasterR$ 37,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
PreyR$ 14,9990%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Prison Architect: Xbox One EditionR$ 11,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Project Highrise: Architect's EditionR$ 22,4980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
PrototypeR$ 35,9767%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Prototype 2R$ 41,7070%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Prototype Biohazard BundleR$ 53,7070%Xbox One / Xbox Series
PsychonautsR$ 9,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Psychonauts 2R$ 49,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Pure Farming 2018 Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 7,9090%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Puyo Puyo Tetris 2R$ 48,7575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
QuakeR$ 17,3067%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Quake 2 (2023)R$ 11,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Quantum: RechargedR$ 26,5630%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Rad RodgersR$ 3,9090%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Radiant SilvergunR$ 15,0050%Xbox 360
Raiden III x MIKADO MANIAXR$ 91,9620%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Raiden IV x MIKADO remixR$ 73,0935%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Railway EmpireR$ 37,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Railway Empire 2R$ 147,9620%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Rare ReplayR$ 24,7575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Real Farm - Gold EditionR$ 14,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Real Farm - Premium EditionR$ 22,4980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Red Dead OnlineR$ 55,9950%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Red Dead Redemption & Red Dead Redemption 2 BundleR$ 179,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Red Dead Redemption 2R$ 82,4867%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Red Dead Redemption 2: Story ModeR$ 104,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-teredR$ 8,8585%Xbox One / Xbox Series
RedfallR$ 87,4875%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Remnant II – Standard EditionR$ 110,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Remnant II – Ultimate EditionR$ 155,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Remothered: Broken PorcelainR$ 13,0990%Xbox One / Xbox Series
RenegadeR$ 7,7660%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Resident EvilR$ 15,5175%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Resident Evil 0R$ 15,5175%Xbox One / Xbox Series
RESIDENT EVIL 2R$ 41,8075%Xbox One / Xbox Series
RESIDENT EVIL 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 52,3275%Xbox One / Xbox Series
RESIDENT EVIL 3R$ 51,0075%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Resident Evil 4R$ 39,1775%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Resident Evil 4R$ 129,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Resident Evil 4 Deluxe EditionR$ 195,0040%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Resident Evil 5R$ 39,1775%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Resident Evil 6R$ 39,1775%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Resident Evil 7R$ 36,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard Gold EditionR$ 66,8860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Resident Evil 7 Gold Edition & Village Gold EditionR$ 153,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Resident Evil CODE: Veronica XR$ 7,8080%Xbox 360
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon CityR$ 11,8080%Xbox 360
Resident Evil RevelationsR$ 33,9175%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2 BundleR$ 37,6580%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Season PassR$ 16,4060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe EditionR$ 27,1380%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Resident Evil Triple PackR$ 62,8880%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Resident Evil VillageR$ 73,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Resident Evil Village Gold EditionR$ 91,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Resident Evil Village Winters' ExpansionR$ 47,0050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Resident Evil: Deluxe Origins BundleR$ 32,3375%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Resident Evil: RACCOON CITY EDITIONR$ 78,6175%Xbox One / Xbox Series
ReusR$ 11,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
RIDE 5R$ 179,9440%Xbox One / Xbox Series
RIDE 5 - Special EditionR$ 269,7040%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Riders Republic Complete EditionR$ 191,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Riders Republic StandardR$ 49,9875%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Riders Republic: Skate 360 Edition / Deluxe (Skate + Skate Plus Pack)R$ 151,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Riders Republic: Skate EditionR$ 119,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
RimWorld Console EditionR$ 117,9620%Xbox One / Xbox Series
RIOT: Civil UnrestR$ 5,8585%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year CelebrationR$ 25,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Risk of RainR$ 5,2575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Risk of Rain 1 + 2 BundleR$ 28,9175%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Risk of Rain 2R$ 26,2975%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Risk of Rain 2 & Survivors of the Void BundleR$ 111,9620%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Risk of Rain 2: Survivors of the VoidR$ 45,9620%Xbox One / Xbox Series
River City RansomR$ 7,7660%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Road 96R$ 20,8775%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Road 96 Mile 0 - Full Journey BundleR$ 78,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
RoboCop: Rogue City - Alex Murphy EditionR$ 181,9630%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Rock of Ages 3: Make & BreakR$ 13,0990%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Rocket Knight-67%Xbox 360
Rogue SpiritR$ 47,9440%Xbox One / Xbox Series
RökiR$ 29,3675%Xbox One / Xbox Series
RollerCoaster Tycoon Adventures DeluxeR$ 143,9510%Xbox One / Xbox Series
ROMANCE OF THE THREE KINGDOMS XIII: Fame and Strategy Expansion Pack Bundle-60%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Romancing Saga 2R$ 18,4980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Romancing SaGa 3R$ 33,7370%Xbox One / Xbox Series
R-Type Final 2 (Xbox One and Series X)R$ 39,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
R-Type Final 2 Digital Deluxe Edition (Xbox One and Series X)R$ 59,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
R-Type Final 2 Stage PassR$ 20,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
R-Type Final 2 Stage Pass Volume 2 (Xbox One and Series X)R$ 20,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
R-Type Final 2 Stage Pass Volume 3 (Xbox One and Series X)R$ 20,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Rugby 22 Xbox OneR$ 27,7485%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Rugby 22 Xbox Series X|SR$ 27,7485%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Ruined King: A League of Legends StoryR$ 64,9950%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Ruined King: A League of Legends Story - Deluxe EditionR$ 89,9950%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Rune Factory 4 SpecialR$ 47,9960%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Rush: A Disney Pixar AdventureR$ 24,7367%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Rust Console EditionR$ 110,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
RUST Console Edition - DeluxeR$ 133,4740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
RustlerR$ 11,2490%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Saint KotarR$ 33,7255%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Saints RowR$ 74,9975%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Saints Row Platinum EditionR$ 200,0060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Samurai Warriors 5R$ 159,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Samurai Warriors 5 Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 239,0050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Samurai Warriors 5 Season PassR$ 98,8050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
SBK22R$ 21,4990%Xbox One / Xbox Series
SCARLET NEXUS - ULTIMATE EDITIONR$ 95,8980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
SCARLET NEXUS x TALES OF ARISE BUNDLER$ 160,4770%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Scott PilgrimR$ 23,0867%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Scribblenauts Mega PackR$ 22,5085%Xbox One / Xbox Series
SD Gundam Battle AllianceR$ 74,9775%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Sea of Thieves 2023 EditionR$ 44,9950%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Sea of Thieves 2023 Edition: Deluxe BundleR$ 14,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Sea of Thieves Deluxe EditionR$ 59,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Sekiro: Shadows Die TwiceR$ 99,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Serial CleanersR$ 29,7070%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Session: Skateboarding Sim GameR$ 73,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Seven DoorsR$ 12,9130%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Shadow of the Tomb Raider Definitive EditionR$ 49,9875%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Shadows of KurganskR$ 33,7250%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Shadows: AwakeningR$ 37,1067%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Sherlock Holmes Chapter OneR$ 37,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Sherlock Holmes The AwakenedR$ 84,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Sid Meier's Civilization VIR$ 29,9080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Sid Meier's Civilization VI Anthology UpgradeR$ 105,9660%Xbox One / Xbox Series
SifuR$ 63,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
SiltR$ 30,2245%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Sims 4 High School Years Expansion PackR$ 104,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Sine Mora ExR$ 3,9090%Xbox One / Xbox Series
SKATE.3R$ 11,8585%Xbox 360
Skyrim Anniversary EditionR$ 109,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Skyrim Special EditionR$ 39,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Slaycation ParadiseR$ 22,4870%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Sleeping Dogs Definitive EditionR$ 29,8585%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Slender: The ArrivalR$ 48,7135%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Sniper Elite 5R$ 88,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Sniper Elite 5 Deluxe EditionR$ 133,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Sniper Ghost Warrior ContractsR$ 39,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2R$ 49,9875%Xbox One / Xbox Series
SnowRunnerR$ 85,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
SnowRunner - High Roller PackR$ 15,2510%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Sonic Colors: UltimateR$ 78,0060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Sonic Frontiers Deluxe EditionR$ 138,0060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Sonic OriginsR$ 94,2535%Xbox One / Xbox Series
SONIC SUPERSTARSR$ 202,3030%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Soul Hackers 2 - Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 120,7565%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Soulcalibur VIR$ 39,4385%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Soulstice: Deluxe EditionR$ 92,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
South Park: The Fractured but Whole - Gold EditionR$ 57,4875%Xbox One / Xbox Series
South Park: The Stick of Truth + The Fractured but WholeR$ 39,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
SparkliteR$ 17,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
SpellForce 3: ReforcedR$ 101,7245%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Spintires: MudRunnerR$ 21,4980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Spirit of the North: Enhanced EditionR$ 18,4980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
SpitlingsR$ 10,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Split/SecondR$ 17,2575%Xbox 360
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - RehydratedR$ 20,1065%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Spyro + Crash Remastered Game BundleR$ 107,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Spyro Reignited TrilogyR$ 63,0065%Xbox One / Xbox Series
StackingR$ 9,8080%Xbox 360
Star Ocean: Divine ForceR$ 149,9550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Star Ocean: Divine Force Deluxe EditionR$ 187,2550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Star Trek Online: 1000 ZenR$ 24,0020%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Star Trek Online: 5300 ZenR$ 120,0020%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Star Trek: ResurgenceR$ 88,4740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Star Wars BattlefrontR$ 24,5050%Xbox 360
Star Wars Battlefront IIR$ 24,5050%Xbox 360
STAR WARS Battlefront IIR$ 19,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
STAR WARS Battlefront II: Celebration EditionR$ 23,8585%Xbox One / Xbox Series
STAR WARS Battlefront II: Celebration EditionR$ 23,8585%Xbox One / Xbox Series
STAR WARS Battlefront Ultimate EditionR$ 15,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi AcademyR$ 24,5050%Xbox 360
STAR WARS JEDI: FALLEN ORDERR$ 47,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order Edição DeluxeR$ 27,9090%Xbox One / Xbox Series
STAR WARS Jedi: SurvivorR$ 169,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith LordsR$ 24,5050%Xbox 360
Star Wars Republic CommandoR$ 24,5050%Xbox 360
STAR WARS TRIPLE BUNDLER$ 79,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Star Wars: Knights of the Old RepublicR$ 24,5050%Xbox 360
STAR WARS: SQUADRONSR$ 9,9595%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Star Wars: The Force UnleashedR$ 17,2575%Xbox 360
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed IIR$ 24,7575%Xbox 360
StarfieldR$ 244,9630%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Starfield Premium EditionR$ 374,9625%Xbox One / Xbox Series
State of Decay 2R$ 63,7250%Xbox One / Xbox Series
SteelrisingR$ 73,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
STEEPR$ 15,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
STORY OF SEASONS: A Wonderful LifeR$ 125,9930%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral TownR$ 44,2370%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Stranded SailsR$ 17,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Stranded: Alien DawnR$ 134,8435%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Strange of Paradise Final Fantasy OriginR$ 119,7040%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Stranger of Paradise - Final Fantasy Origin - Season PassR$ 47,9440%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 179,9440%Xbox One / Xbox Series
StrayR$ 84,3325%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Stray BladeR$ 53,5960%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary CollectionR$ 43,2067%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Street Fighter 6R$ 186,9333%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Street Fighter 6 Deluxe EditionR$ 306,7525%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Street Fighter 6 Ultimate EditionR$ 399,2020%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Street Fighter IVR$ 19,8080%Xbox 360
Streets of Rage 4R$ 46,2250%Xbox One / Xbox Series
StriderR$ 9,1570%Xbox One / Xbox Series
SubnauticaR$ 20,4767%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Sudden Strike 4 Complete CollectionR$ 73,7250%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Super Animal Royale Super EditionR$ 31,4330%Xbox One / Xbox Series
SUPER BOMBERMAN R 2R$ 174,9330%Xbox One / Xbox Series
SUPER CRAZY RHYTHM CASTLER$ 119,9625%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Super Dodge BallR$ 7,7660%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Super Mega Baseball 4 - Ballpark EditionR$ 159,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Super Mega Bassball 4R$ 124,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Super Monkey Ball Banana ManiaR$ 68,5865%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Surviving the Aftermath: Ultimate Colony EditionR$ 51,2375%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Survivor - Castaway Island-30%Xbox One / Xbox Series
SWORD ART ONLINE Last RecollectionR$ 209,9330%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Syberia - The World BeforeR$ 55,4870%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tails Of IronR$ 34,9875%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tales of Arise - Beyond the Dawn EditionR$ 224,9225%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tales of Arise - Beyond the Dawn Ultimate EditionR$ 399,6020%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tales of Symphonia RemasteredR$ 99,7550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tales of Vesperia: Edição DefinitivaR$ 42,0680%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s RevengeR$ 66,4630%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga CollectionR$ 99,9550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tekken 7R$ 41,5880%Xbox One / Xbox Series
TEKKEN 7 - Edição DefinitivaR$ 89,9285%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tempest 4000-50%Xbox One / Xbox Series
TENNIS WORLD TOUR 2R$ 29,4980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tennis World Tour 2 - Complete EditionR$ 36,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Terminator: Resistance - Complete EditionR$ 139,9630%Xbox One / Xbox Series
TerrariaR$ 19,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Teslagrad 2R$ 35,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Teslagrad Power Pack EditionR$ 53,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Teslagrad RemasteredR$ 13,4755%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Callisto Protocol - Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 134,9870%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Callisto Protocol Digital Deluxe Xbox OneR$ 119,2370%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Crew – Motorfest – Cross Gen BundleR$ 164,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Crew – Motorfest – Gold EditionR$ 239,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Crew – Motorfest – Standard Edition (Xbox)R$ 149,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Crew – Motorfest – Ultimate EditionR$ 284,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Crew™ Motorfest | Year 1 PassR$ 149,9625%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Crew™ Motorfest Deluxe EditionR$ 189,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The DioField ChronicleR$ 119,9660%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The DioField Chronicle Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 149,8060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Disney Afternoon CollectionR$ 16,0375%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Division 2 - Warlords of New York - Ultimate EditionR$ 83,9870%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Division 2 - Warlords of New York EditionR$ 68,9870%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Division Franchise BundleR$ 49,9875%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Elder Scrolls OnlineR$ 18,6070%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Elder Scrolls Online Collection: NecromR$ 98,9867%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Elder Scrolls Online Deluxe Collection: NecromR$ 131,1567%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Elder Scrolls Online Deluxe Upgrade: NecromR$ 87,4367%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Elder Scrolls Online Upgrade: NecromR$ 70,9367%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Elder Scrolls Online: 14000 CrownsR$ 220,9635%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Elder Scrolls Online: 1500 CrownsR$ 39,9620%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Elder Scrolls Online: 21000 CrownsR$ 305,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Elder Scrolls Online: 3000 CrownsR$ 63,7125%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Elder Scrolls Online: 5500 CrownsR$ 94,4630%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Escapists 2: Game of the Year EditionR$ 17,4875%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Evil WithinR$ 14,9985%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Evil Within 2R$ 23,2485%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Evil Within Digital BundleR$ 29,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Evil Within Season PassR$ 19,3860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Hunter : Call of The Wild - Master Hunter BundleR$ 111,2250%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Jackbox Party Pack 10R$ 103,9620%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Jackbox Party Pack 3R$ 29,4040%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Jackbox Party Pack 8R$ 73,0935%Xbox One / Xbox Series
THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV Deluxe EditionR$ 113,7575%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Long ReachR$ 2,9090%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Lord of the Rings: GollumR$ 103,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Mageseeker: A League of Legends StoryR$ 111,9330%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story - Deluxe EditionR$ 139,6530%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Outer WorldsR$ 103,9335%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Outer Worlds Spacer's Choice EditionR$ 158,7550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Quarry para Xbox OneR$ 87,4775%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Quarry para Xbox Series X|SR$ 99,8775%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Sims 4 - Pacote de Expansão Vida CampestreR$ 104,5050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Sims 4: Back to School BundleR$ 179,2525%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Sims 4: Fun Outside BundleR$ 186,7525%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Sims 4: Live Lavishly BundleR$ 186,7525%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Sims™ 4 Horse Ranch Expansion PackR$ 156,7525%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Sims™ 4: Growing Together Expansion PackR$ 135,8535%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Sinking City Xbox Series X|S Deluxe EditionR$ 40,3585%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Sisters 2 - Road to FameR$ 103,2130%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Smurfs 2 : The Prisoner of the Green StoneR$ 103,2130%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Surge 1 & 2 - Dual PackR$ 49,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Survivalists - Deluxe EditionR$ 25,9880%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Witcher 2: Assassins of KingsR$ 17,8080%Xbox 360
The Witcher 3R$ 42,9070%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Witcher 3: Complete EditionR$ 57,0070%Xbox One / Xbox Series
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts Of StoneR$ 11,2060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
theHunter: Call of the Wild: theHunter Call of the Wild - Modern Rifle PackR$ 7,6010%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Them's Fightin' HerdsR$ 37,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Them's Fightin' Herds Deluxe EditionR$ 73,7250%Xbox One / Xbox Series
ThiefR$ 5,8585%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Thronebreaker: The Witcher TalesR$ 11,1980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
ThymesiaR$ 95,9440%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Time on Frog IslandR$ 27,7370%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tintim Reporter - Os Charutos do FaraoR$ 129,4630%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon KeepR$ 26,9550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tiny Tina's WonderlandsR$ 74,9775%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Chaotic Great EditionR$ 112,4775%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Next-Level EditionR$ 87,4775%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Titanfall 2R$ 15,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Titanfall 2R$ 15,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Titanfall 2: Ultimate EditionR$ 17,8585%Xbox One / Xbox Series
TOHUR$ 24,2250%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction Deluxe EditionR$ 71,9870%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tomb Raider: Definitive EditionR$ 20,6175%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor TrilogyR$ 92,0065%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 Cross Gen BundleR$ 91,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 Standard EditionR$ 79,6060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Toy Story 3R$ 24,5050%Xbox 360
Transport Fever 2: Console Edition ? Deluxe EditionR$ 155,7130%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Trepang2R$ 111,9330%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Trepang2 - Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 122,5030%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tribes of MidgardR$ 24,7367%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tribes of Midgard Deluxe EditionR$ 37,9367%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tropico 5 - Penultimate EditionR$ 46,2250%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Tropico 6R$ 73,7250%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Trove - 18.500 créditosR$ 279,3325%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Trove - 3250 CreditsR$ 59,9620%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Trove - 8.500 créditosR$ 138,7125%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Trove - Bard Super PackR$ 167,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Trove – Geodian Super PackR$ 110,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Trove – Vanguardian Super PackR$ 110,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Trove: 10,200 CreditsR$ 138,7125%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Trove: 22,200 CreditsR$ 279,3325%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Trove: 3,900 CreditsR$ 59,9620%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Trove: 5,000 CreditsR$ 89,9620%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Truck DriverR$ 67,4740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
TT Isle Of Man: Ride on the Edge 3R$ 92,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Two Point Campus - Brainy BundleR$ 145,6945%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Two Point Hospital and Two Point Campus Double PackR$ 89,8270%Xbox One / Xbox Series
UFC 5R$ 215,4040%Xbox One / Xbox Series
UFC 5 Edição DeluxeR$ 317,4040%Xbox One / Xbox Series
UFO ROBOT GRENDIZER – The Feast of the WolvesR$ 138,7125%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3R$ 32,3960%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Ultra Street Fighter IVR$ 5,8080%Xbox 360
Unbox: Newbie's AdventureR$ 4,9090%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Underworld AscendantR$ 28,1175%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Unheard - Voices of Crime EditionR$ 23,9940%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Uno Ultimate EditionR$ 39,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Unravel 2R$ 15,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Unravel Yarny BundleR$ 23,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
UnturnedR$ 31,1770%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Vampire SurvivorsR$ 9,7125%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Vampire the Masquerade Swansong Primogen EditionR$ 51,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
VampyrR$ 32,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
VaporumR$ 9,2490%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Vikings - Wolves of MidgardR$ 39,3565%Xbox One / Xbox Series
VirginiaR$ 6,6565%Xbox One / Xbox Series
War HospitalR$ 132,7010%Xbox One / Xbox Series
War Hospital - Supporter EditionR$ 166,4510%Xbox One / Xbox Series
War Thunder - Full Alert BundleR$ 127,0050%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Warhammer 40,000: BoltgunR$ 78,6933%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Warhammer 40,000: DarktideR$ 110,4635%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Imperial EditionR$ 124,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Ultimate EditionR$ 55,4870%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Warhammer Chaosbane Slayer Edition Xbox OneR$ 14,7490%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Warhammer Chaosbane Slayer Edition Xbox Series X|SR$ 22,2490%Xbox One / Xbox Series
WARRIORS OROCHI 3 UltimateR$ 62,5750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
WARRIORS OROCHI 4 UltimateR$ 191,4040%Xbox One / Xbox Series
WARRIORS OROCHI 4 Ultimate Deluxe EditionR$ 223,2040%Xbox One / Xbox Series
WARRIORS OROCHI 4: Season PassR$ 37,2240%Xbox One / Xbox Series
WARRIORS OROCHI 4: The Ultimate Upgrade PackR$ 107,2140%Xbox One / Xbox Series
WARRIORS OROCHI 4: The Ultimate Upgrade Pack Deluxe EditionR$ 119,8240%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Wasteland 3R$ 29,4980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Watch Dogs 2: No CompromiseR$ 18,0010%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Watch Dogs LegionR$ 41,9985%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Watch Dogs Legion - ULTIMATE EDITIONR$ 99,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Watch Dogs®2: Pixel Art PackR$ 17,1010%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Way of the HunterR$ 110,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
We Love Katamari REROLL+ Royal ReverieR$ 74,7550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Werewolf The Apocalypse Earthblood Xbox OneR$ 18,4990%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Werewolf The Apocalypse Earthblood Xbox SeriesR$ 18,4990%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Wheel Of FortuneR$ 13,6365%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Who's Your Daddy?!R$ 18,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Wo Long: Fallen DynastyR$ 149,9740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 197,3740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty: Season PassR$ 66,4630%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Wolcen: Lords of MayhemR$ 73,7250%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem - Deluxe EditionR$ 92,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Wolfenstein II: Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 37,4985%Xbox One / Xbox Series
World of Final Fantasy MaximaR$ 57,2060%Xbox One / Xbox Series
World of Tanks - First BrawlerR$ 92,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
World of Tanks - Hero UpR$ 67,4740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
World of Tanks - Modern JumpstartR$ 92,4750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
World of Warships: Legends - Arkansas BrawlerR$ 67,4740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
World of Warships: Legends - Torpedo SpecialistR$ 88,4740%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Worms W.M.DR$ 13,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
WRC 10 Xbox OneR$ 22,1185%Xbox One / Xbox Series
WRC 10 Xbox Series X|SR$ 22,1185%Xbox One / Xbox Series
WRC GenerationsR$ 73,7250%Xbox One / Xbox Series
WreckfestR$ 32,9860%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Wreckfest: Banger Racing Car PackR$ 13,4510%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Wreckfest: Steel & Wheels PackR$ 6,7010%Xbox One / Xbox Series
WuppoR$ 7,9090%Xbox One / Xbox Series
WWE 2K BattlegroundsR$ 44,7980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
WWE 2K Battlegrounds Digital Deluxe EditionR$ 55,9980%Xbox One / Xbox Series
WWE 2K23 Bad Bunny BundleR$ 148,3367%Xbox One / Xbox Series
WWE 2K23 Bad Icon EditionR$ 349,7550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
WWE 2K23 Cross-Gen Digital EditionR$ 131,8367%Xbox One / Xbox Series
WWE 2K23 for Xbox OneR$ 115,4667%Xbox One / Xbox Series
WWE 2K23 Icon EditionR$ 299,7550%Xbox One / Xbox Series
XCOM 2 CollectionR$ 36,0090%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Yakuza: Like a Dragon Legendary Hero EditionR$ 87,8080%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Yars RechargedR$ 16,9750%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher ChroniclesR$ 16,8685%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher ChroniclesR$ 16,8685%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Zombie Army 4: Dead War: 7.65mm Polizeipistole Pistol BundleR$ 13,4510%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Zombie Army 4: Dead War: Black Ice Weapon SkinsR$ 9,8510%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Ghoul Patrol-50%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Zone of the Enders HD CollectionR$ 26,0767%Xbox 360
Zoo TycoonR$ 45,8767%Xbox One / Xbox Series
Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal CollectionR$ 24,7367%Xbox One / Xbox Series


O Xbox deverá receber vários jogos em 2025!

O que esperar dos jogos do Xbox Series X|S em 2025

2025 parece ser um ano significativo para o Xbox Series X|S, com lançamentos importantes tanto dos estúdios da casa quanto de terceiros. A Microsoft...